District Speechを例会で   24/05/12



トーストマスターたちの最大の祭りはコンテスト。準備スピーチの部では、全国大会出場者のTM Uがコンテストスピーチを引っ提げて登場です。「言わなければ伝わらない」と訴えて聴衆を揺さぶります。この後が東海名物ポップコーンタイム、一言論評の時間です。今回はスピーチの改善すべき点だけでなく、代替案の提案が連続しました。これでTM Uは全国大会へ向けて進化すると確信しました。




A Contest Speech at a Meeting    24/05/12


Tonight was exhilarating.  It was a festival in full swing.  The venue buzzed with a pop music festival, and the best Table Topic featured a festival:   TM T described strolling through food stalls, alarmed at fireworks, and hand in hand with his loved one.   That sense of excitement and anticipation is universal.  The shared emotions resonated deeply, making it the best speech. 

The Toastmasters’ grandest celebration is the contest.  In this meeting, TM U, a participant in the national conference, took the stage with a contest speech.  She repeated the importance of speaking out, the most crucial aspect of the creature with languages.  She shook the audience.  Then, we had the iconic Popcorn Time, where we gave mini evaluations to the speaker.  And this evening, we had a series of alternatives flowing for ten minutes.   We are sure TM U is poised to evolve toward the national contest.


 We know this quality commitment will also lead our club to prosperity.


対面の楽しさ     メンバーの日誌より                           2024/04/27








The Joy of Face-to-Face Interaction  

From a member’s diary, April 27, 2024


There were more people than usual on the first day of the Golden Week, a consecutive holiday season. I saw long-time no-see participants, a member who traveled four hours to the venue, and even two guests. When people gather, we can enjoy chatting. Today’s meeting reminded me how enjoyable it is to meet and talk with others.


Furthermore, the time's speeches also taught us the importance of meeting in person. One talked about happy memories at her wedding despite the bad weather, and another, an invitation to a workshop he chairs at a national convention. The best speech showed her appreciation for advice at a dinner meeting when she embarked on the family business. Listening to the speeches, I decided to go and meet an old acquaintance I hadn’t seen for a while.



I’m sure other members felt the same way.  We enjoyed the first after-meeting meal in these three months.  A speech can inspire us to take action.



チャオ!新メンバー!  2024/04/13

チャオ! これは、「こんにちは&お話してね」という東海トーストマスターズクラブの新語です!







CiaoNew member

"Ciao! This is a new phrase from the Tokai Toastmasters Club that means ‘Hello & Let’s talk!’ The latest meeting started with everyone’s one-minute speeches to welcome the new member.  One-minute speeches serve as an ice-breakers and they have practical applications as a longer self-introduction in real life.


April is a season of both encounters and farewells. The impromptu speeches also featured memorable episodes at such opportunities. The best speech was a reminiscence of TM T’s co-worker. It vividly portrayed his determination to complete a challenging task despite many constraints.


The prepared speeches continued with stories about daily efforts and perseverance. TM C introduced to us Lafcadio Hearn’s perspective on Japan, which garnered unanimous approval from the audience.


The highlight of the meeting was the final induction ceremony for a new member. More members than usual gathered to celebrate TM H’s participation, creating a lively atmosphere.


Now, let’s make the upcoming meetings just as lively!"



卒業                    2024/02/10






Graduation                  2024/02/10

 The Tokai Toastmasters Club has officially kicked off its Japanese-language meetings on the second Saturday of each month. And this meeting coincided with TM.M’s farewell speech – a memorable occasion indeed!


Now, let me tell you about TM.M.  She has aspired us with her attitude as a dream-chaser, uplifting new projects, encouraging support. And now, heading to the land of dream, the U.S. she is pursuing her life-long work.  She talked about her struggle in job-hunting, self-training in accepting and supporting her fellows in Toastmasters. It’s her graduation from Toastmasters. A crowd of guests came up to say farewell to her.  M san, keep dropping by for a friendly chat someday.


Now, let’s shift gears to our stellar Toastmasters.  First, the debutante TM.C, and then TM.J, the impromptu speech segment host.  Both caught the focus of each speech and managed the session calmly. It is one of the milestones I want to get to in the real world.


So, here we are today, celebrating two milestones through our Toastmasters journey.  I also will reach them when I toss our graduation caps high. 




決戦!  24/01/27







 Tackle the Contest!        24/01/27

It’s time to have an annual in-house speech contest. This is the gateway to the higher-level competitions. But it’s incredibly hard to get through the club contest. The contestants are all persuasive and skilled. This year, there are many officers serving as the contest staff, so it’s a good opportunity to get the ticket to the higher level.

There were five contestants in total. The first speaker in the English category, R-san, talked about “How to Build Self-Esteem”. The second speaker, T-san, spoke in both Japanese and English about “The Benefits of Waking Up Early”. They both reflected on their lives. But R-san was disqualified for going over time.


In the Japanese category, Ya-san won the sympathy of the audience by expressing her determination to fight against unconscious discrimination. But the winner was K-san. She changed her perspective and saw her days of caregiving as a journey to her goal. It was a beautiful contest, thanks to Yu-san’s excellent hosting and the other staffs’ support. The only regret was that I wanted to see more contestants challenge themselves.

守破離   24/01/13






Fundamentals, Breaking and Creating     24/01/13

    The first meeting of the new year was neat. The progress and the speeches followed the format, and I enjoyed them decently.

   The topics of the impromptu speech were to exchange reflections on the past and hope for the future. TM Y. won  the first prize with her wish to “cut back on chocolate and coffee to lose her weight after the pandemic.” 

   The prepared speeches were also neat. They consisted of appealing and then explanatory the format shows. The only one, TM B.’s speech, “Join a Contest as a normal operation,” was impressive with its strength of enthusiasm at the beginning of the year.  But everyone approved of TM.J saying, “Let’s express events positively and make our feelings positive.”


  General evaluator TM T. also pointed out the importance of following the format.  So, I will start writing the framework for my next speech according to the lesson here.


「力を抜いて」  2023/12/23

年に一度のお楽しみ、ゲームとクイズと即興スピーチのお祭りは、答えを聞いたらくずおれそうなクイズ、「皆が嫌いになれない食べ物は?」から始まりました。「肉まん!」orz. なにせ、今日の言葉は「力を抜いて」ですから。





Christmas Party  “Relax”  2023/12/23

    The Christmas party, an annual fun, started with a quiz.   “What is the food that everyone can’t hate?” “Meat bun!” or (Sorry.  It is a pun.  Meat means “dislike,” and buns mean “not” in Japanese.)  Did you think the answer was was absurd?  It was because Today’s Word was “relax.”  

      In the next mock press conference, we had the successor of Nagoya Mayor Kawamura, the world triathlon champion, the winner of the world speed-eating contest, and others.   The speech evaluators and the audience had no time to breathe because this gorgeous lineup fired them with realistic performances.  They were no longer a speech than a demonstration.  I was sure we had brushed up the skills to parody the previous speech or reflect on the evaluation in the reverse meeting, one of Tokai TMC’s specialties. 

     The game moved on to a gesture-guessing and theme-guessing quiz.  You could see that a human’s mind is different from another’s.  What image do you have in mind when you hear “home run”? 


     The essence of this meeting was appropriately summed up by a guest, Mr. F.  “When I relax, I do it unexpectedly well.”  The audience’s laughter relaxes the performers and nurtures them into divine ones.



責任感   2023/12/09 


 イヤーすごいわ。例会に3つ以上準備スピーチを入れると今年度の目標にあげたら、ほんとに全部3つ以上あったわ。今回なんてTM B一人で2つスピーチした。それも、「やろうと思えば人は変われる」って言いう題で心臓撃ち抜かれたわ。





  Wow, that’s amazing. We set a goal to have more than three prepared speeches at each meeting this year, and we really did it every time. This evening, TM B did two speeches by himself.  One of them was about how people can change if they want to, and it really hit me in the heart. 

   Great people make great mates. This time, everyone was busy doing two or three roles, or swapping roles.  Other clubs are also running their meetings with volunteers, even though they’re small.  We’re a big club, but sometimes we don’t have enough people.  We can if we believe we can.



協力 2023/11/25








 When the Christmas illumination lit up at Nadia Park, people started to work harder. The members of Tokai  Toastmasters also have become busy with their work. This meeting was small, but showed us the members’ cooperation.  Everyone was busy at the meeting. There were members who offered to take two or three roles, and PCs that performed two or three roles to make a better one.

 In the table topic session, the theme was “the way of thinking to attract good luck.”  TM K said that she was happy to belong to  Toastmasters and meet her friends though she has difficulties in daily life.  This speech moved the audience with her positive attitude.              The prepared speech session gave us three track records of efforts. TM T, a gourmet, talked about how he learned about wine and achieved success in his work, TM C was moved by a climber with a prosthetic leg, and TM C2 reflected her toastmasters course just completed.  Listening to them, I thought that I wanted to apply what I had learned at this meeting to my life.  

 As TM B, the evaluator, said, it is an important skill in life to aim straight for your goal.  Well, this time, I was impressed by the cooperation of the participants, because I was able to discover some tricks that will lead to the next success: open the PC screen and display the timer to give easier access to both online and in-person participants. Use one PC camera to broadcast the venue, and let the podium camera focus on the speaker.  If we collect these tricks compile them, they will become the meeting management skills of Tokai.  I’m looking forward to the next meeting.



島津山合同例会 23/10/21









 東海(トウカンブリア宮殿) 23/09/23


久しぶりの作家活動だ。前VPPR、TM. K.M.は、例会を終えてこんなことを考えた。


「生き抜くために」 4名のスピーチを読み解く

1TM C 山を登れば、歩幅は狭くても、必ずや頂上に辿り着く

2TM K 偉大なメンターと呼ぶに相応しい、阪神タイガーズ岡田監督

3TM T 永年勤続休暇中に、リスボンから届けられたスピーチ。 職場の部下でもあるメンバーに、あと10年           働けば、こんな休みが取れるかもと語りかける。(決してパワハラではない)

4TM B 眼鏡、スマホ、PC、車 と持ち物が同時に壊れ、財政危機に陥ったとき、彼が出した答えとは。





TM.S の阪神半疑(はんしんはんぎ)にストライクアウトの TM.K.M.


 Tocambria Palace  23/09/23



Most recent VPPR TM.K.M. missed her days as an writer of the homepage.  And thought like this after the meeting.


[To survive] I have interpreted the four speeches


TM C: Even if the pace of climbing the mountain is narrow, you will surely reach the top.

TM K: The Hanshin Tigers director OKADA, who deserves to be called a great mentor.

TM T: A speech delivered from Lisbon, where he is traveling on his long service leave.  A powerful cheer for a member who is also his subordinate at work, saying that he can get such a vacation if he works hard for another 10 years. (Never a power harassment!)

TM B: His belongings broke one after another: glasses, a smartphone, a PC, and a car. What was his answer when he fell into a financial crisis?


‘ARE’ of the Hanshin Tigers, a professional baseball team, is a philosophical question for us. We are driven by civilization. We can discern what we really need only when things break. We pretend to work for a living, and we get a ticket to Lisbon. Those who have noticed ‘ARE’ have attained the true happiness that humans have created to survive.”     


Struck out by half doubtful Hanshin


 TM K.M.



Connect!  ゲストスピーカー TM瀧口仙子「聴衆と気持ちを通わせる-PATHWAYSの体験を振り返る-」       23/09/09

たくさんの感謝の気持ちが詰まった、凝縮された会となりました。 ファンタジスタTMCよりTM 瀧口仙子をゲストに迎え、7名でスピーチを行いました。 私たちは彼らを通して、誰かのために行動することの大切さを知りました。

   テーブルトピックのテーマは感謝でした。 そしてスピーチが進むにつれて、参加者たちの共感が見えてきました。

   日本語例会では、TM.S が魅力的な仕掛けで魅力を高めている水族館「ATOA」について、TM.Nは実際の TM 予算を作成するための根拠と行程表が大切だと示し、TM.Bは会議の進め方を参加者全員が理解することの重要性について話しました。 そして締めくくりとして、TM.T はパスウェィズに沿って個人の活動をより大きな組織の活動に広げていった過程をについてスピーチしました。 また、支援を求め、感謝することの大切さも伝えてくれました。

   英語での集会でも共感が続きました。 TM.K. 日常生活の中で忘れがちな幸せを数えることを勧め、 TM.Tは思いやりを行動に移すむずかしさについて語り、TM.Rは人間の判断をするためにAIの活用する方法を紹介しました。

トーストマスターズでは、はじめスピーチについて学ぶつもりでいても、すぐに、私たちは仕事の仕方を練習していることに気づきます。 私は、この例会が人生の別の側面に目を向けさせてくれたことに感謝しています。


  It was a condensed meeting filled with a lot of appreciation.  We welcomed guest speaker T from Fantasista TMC, and seven people gave speeches.  We realized the importance of acting for someone else through them.

  The theme of the table topics was gratitude.  And as the speeches went on, I could see the empathy among the participants.

  At the Japanese meeting, TM.S. talked about the aquarium ATOA, which is increasing its appeal with attractive devices, TM.N. showed the basis and milestones for creating an actual TM budget, and TM.B. talked about the importance of everyone understanding how to proceed with meetings.  Just like a conclusion, TM.T. made her speech about how she expanded individual activities into exercises for larger organizational ones.  She also persuaded us to ask for support and show our gratitude.

  Empathy continued at the English meeting.  TM.K. recommended counting happiness, which is often forgotten in our daily lives.  TM.T. talked about how to put compassion into action, and TM.R. introduced how to use AI to make human decisions.


Toastmasters Journeys give us first speech skills.  But soon, they make us notice we learn the way we work as professionals.   I appreciate this meeting opened my eyes to another side of my life.

  Sing a song!  23/08/26







At the end of summer, when modest people were taking their summer vacations, we had a compact meeting.  

 TMOE asked us to sing a verse of our favorite song before our speech, of course, in English.  How well the members could sing!  I realized that everyone practices karaoke as a business skill.  It is true that Toastmasters is a place to practice real-life situations.

 In the table topics, male members all agreed with the speech that wives rule their house, especially in the bathroom.  I guess they all observe modern international rules of lady first.

 In the prepared speech, we heard about the mindset of "grabbing the ladder” to get out of the comfort zone.  And I was inspired by the speaker's attitude of ever-upward. 

  Now, shall we watch YouTube and practice English karaoke to extend for the ladder?

 日英語例会 リーダーとは 23/08/12 



ともに働く人がなければ、リーダーは存在しません。助けてくれる人がなければ、完遂はできません。今年度会場係として、私はどうリーダーシップを伸ばしていけるか考えさせられました。皆さんも同じメッセージを受け取ったでしょう。                (TM Y)


  Last night we had both Japanese and English meetings. And one thing in common in those meetings I realized was to learn about how you can develop your leadership skills through being an officer of our club. One member talked about her experience being a VPPR (Vice President Public Relations), working with a former VPPR officer and the new officer and they discussed what they could do to help our club be more recognized on online platforms. Other member gave a speech about her experience organizing a large speech contest as an area director. Both speeches clearly defined the word “leadership."  It is to start an action, work with others, lead others and accomplish something big together. There is no leader if there are no people around you to work with you. There is no great accomplishment if there are no people to help you. As SAA officer, those speeches left me with a question of how I could develop my leadership potential through the year. And I hope everyone received the same message as well.                                                                                                                                                                         (TM Y)



新年度第一回 2023/07/08は、District 76 TM皆の憧れTM Tの参加を得て華々しく始まりました。



準備スピーチでは、手練れの技が連打されました。長期出張中に新規入会となった古参TM、Aさんが「こんにちは、愛知」として自己紹介しました。TM Kは、武術の会を運営する新体制を作った話を、TM Nは、耳慣れない音楽用語を紹介して、歌が上手になるコツを、TM Tは、笑いの中に「今度その店へ食べに行きたい」と思わせる中華料理の魅力を、TM Bは、自分のため、認めてくれる人のために、素敵になり続ける努力について話しました。



The first meeting of the new year started with a bang, with the participation of TM T who every TM in District 76 admires.

  The Table Topic master, TM J, let the speakers tell what they wanted to with questions from the speaker's profile.

  In the Prepared Speech Session, elaborated tips snapped repeatedly. A newcomer but a veteran, TM A, introduced himself as "Hello, Aichi." TM K talked about creating a new system to manage the martial arts club, TM N introduced unfamiliar musical terms and gave tips on good singing, and TM T invited us to Chinese dishes, and made our mouths water. TM B talked about the effort to keep being nice for the sake of your future self and those who recognize you.

  The highlight of this meeting came in the evaluation session, a series of neat and accurate comments.  One of the masterpieces was TM T's improvement point to the speech that sounded almost perfect:  Describe ‘being nice’ in detail to generalize it to everyone.



We have a long way to go.






PTは、TMKが愛され猫の話をご自分の愛猫に成り代わって話しました。「私は猫にゃん」妙齢の男性がかわいく見えてくる演技力でした。(言葉ではないんかい?)。TMTは、結婚生活であって当然の波風をパートナーの行動が修復するさまを真にせまるジェスチャで再現しました。TMMは、「ゲーム」 という題で、楽しんでTMの仕事をしてきたことをTMTは、数学への愛を語りした。ゲストのTMTは、少年の日の恋。劣等感から手を触れさせなかった相手を思い、「愛とは人をいつくしむこと」と訴えてBSを得ました。




Everyone likes love stories.

    A love-themed meeting is exciting every time. We held one again with gorgeous guests this term.

   The first session, table topics, focused on what you love, fruit, and story.  Among them, "an imaginary advice to your past self" tasted sweeter and sourer than anything.

   The prepared Speech session showed us love for a variety of things:   TM K, playing the role of his beloved cat, told us the cat's self-portrait, "I am a cat.  Meow!''  So cute!   TM T talked about his love for his partner through quarrels and peacemaking with realistic gestures, TM M told us about his love of mathematics, and TM M, love for Toastmasters in the same way as for video games. One of the guests, TM T described his memory of his youth: He hesitated to touch the girl, and she misunderstood him through her inferiority complex.  He claimed that "love is caring for people" and won the Best Speaker award.


The "loves" in this meeting impressed me with their variety and similarity to care.





豊田フレンドシップと東海の合同例会が、6月17(土)開催されました。このアイキャッチなTOTO壁紙は豊田のTM Tさんが作ってくださったものです。会場はとよた市民活動センターで、オンサイト(豊田10名、東海4名)オンライン(豊田1名、東海4名、ゲスト2名)計21名が参加しました。14:00開始、約3時間にわたり熱く盛り上がった例会となりました。



本日のキーワードはSuccinctが紹介されました。東海のTM Nさんがググっている写真、そのボードに書かれているのがワードです。


豊田クラブと東海クラブの違いは、例会の進め方でした。先に準備スピーチをし、論評のあと、テーブルトッピクスセッションをするのです。4名もの準備スピーカーが熱い素晴らしいスピーチを披露されました。なんと優勝は豊田のTM Nさん「Drive

自分のドライブの経験をユーモラスに語りつつ、それを人生にシフトするという卓越した技の内容でした。You can stay on your road. Don’t worry, I am drifting! あなたは自分の道を進むことができる。心配しないで、僕は漂っているからさ!という決め台詞、最高でした!


論評セッションでは、東海のTM Rさんが「Drive」の論評をして優勝しました。タイトルにかけて、あなたのライフキャリアの中に、ドライブテクニックが垣間見ることができた素晴らしいスピーチだったと述べられました。



(東海TM G’s 質問)

1.     What is the most important thing for a friendship


2.     What is a valuable lesson a friend taught you?


3.     Would you like to work with your friends? Why or why not?

あなたは友達と仕事をしたいですか なぜ、なぜそうでないのか

4.     Do you think your partner should be your best friend?



(豊田TM K’s 質問)

5. If you could be 21years old forever, would you be happy from the bottom of your heart?


6.     If you could connect with someone using online technology, who would you connect with?


7. Which aspect of your communication style do you want to change?


8. ★ If you got up tomorrow at 5:30 AM or earlier, what would you do?



栄えある優勝者は、東海TM Gで★の質問に、「またベッドにすぐ戻る」と答え、大爆笑の渦でした。







        Joint meeting with Toyota Friendship Club and Tokai Club


There was a joint meeting co-organized by Tokai TMC and Toyota Friendship TMC on the 17th of June 2023. An eye-catching wallpaper background was designed by TM T of Toyota. The venue was at the Toyota Shimin Katsudo Center. Onsite attendees were 14 members (10 from Toyota, 4 from Tokai). Online attendees were 7 members (1 from Toyota, 4 from Tokai and 2 were guests). A total of 21 attendees participated in the event. The meeting's duration was three hours from 2 PM to 5 PM.
To kick off the event, the President of Toyota TM
 Y to introduce themselves. Her smile and heartwarming hospitality touched everyone. Even though I was an online attendee via voicechat, she welcomed me with open arms. That's why, she's a great president with a highly competent management skill.

Today’s keyword “Succinct” was introduced. In this photo, you can see TM N of Tokai googling its meaning when the keyword was on the board.

The difference between Toyota and Tokai was the order they conducted their meeting. Toyota conducts prepared speeches first followed by evaluation sessions and table topic sessions.

Four speakers gave passionate and wonderful speeches. The winner was TM N 
of Toyota Drive」 His humorous driving experiences were incredible. It was his shared content that his outstanding driving skill reflected on how he led his life. You can stay on your side of the road. Don’t worry, I'm drifting! This line's impact was awesome!

In the evaluation session Tokai TM R
 won making that commentary on Drive.
TM R stated that it was a great speech. It gave a glimpse of the driving techniques in his life's career over the speech's title.

In the last table topics session, two masters posed 4 questions each and 8 speakers struggled to answer them.

Tokai TM G’s Questions

1. What is the most important thing for a friendship

2. What is a valuable lesson a friend taught you?

3. Would you like to work with your friends? Why or why not?

4. Do you think your partner should be your best friend?


(Toyota TM K’s Questions)

5.  If you could be 21years old forever, would you be happy from the bottom of your heart?

6. If you could connect with someone using online technology, who would you connect with?

7. Which aspect of your communication style do you want to change?

8. ★ If you got up tomorrow at 5:30 AM or earlier, what would you do?

A certain winner, Tokai TM G, answered ★, "I will be right back in bed again."
It was a whirlwind of laughter.

Thus, three hours passed quickly and joyfully thanks to the members of the Toyota club.
I am really looking forward to meeting you again!

An after-party was planned afterward. Now, what did they go to eat?


Everyone in the Toyota Friendship Club has a warm heart. あったカレー!



真夜中のVPPR  K.M.


【第二回:神奈川&東海トーストマスターズクラブ 合同例会】


待望の第二回、神奈川&東海クラブの合同例会がやってきた。今回は神奈川からTM Tさんがアウェイの東海へ来てくださった。例会まえに歓迎会が行われ、そのときの様子がホームページの背景写真の一枚である。何とも幸せそうな皆の表情!20219月初回の合同例会の記憶が蘇る。私こと東海(海)TM Mは神奈川()クラブと聞いて、オシャレで洗練されたイメージを抱いていた。尾張・三河は田舎者扱いをされはしないか。お国自慢対決とあり、名古屋名物のお面を被り、食うか食われるかの闘いに挑んだ。しかし、その不安は吹き飛んだ。神奈川()TM Sさんは岡崎出身。スピーチで溢れだす三河愛!私は思った「ジモラーだて」他のメンバーの皆さんも個性派揃い、TM SMさん「出るがーアイテム!マイクにブルマ」「なんて熱いクラブだがね」



ハイブリッド2会場とオンラインを繋ぐため、音声など調整が困難を極めたが、凄腕のメンバーにより音響も最高になっていった。司会の親善大使(川)TM Aさん、上品で安定した司会ぶりはさすがだ。今夜の言葉で「伝説(レジェンド)」を選んだ(川)TM Sさん、あなた自身が伝説なのだろう。計時係(川)TM Kさん筆頭に、各役の紹介がされた。写真係もあるとは、どれだけ投稿に力を入れていることか。顔加工に期待したいところだ。























955ポイントが消滅するまえに、ドラッグストアで買い物に奮闘するお話だ。値下げコーナーで品定め、シャンプーやリンスの購入を試みるものの、バーコード決算でうっかりポイント決済にするのを忘れてしまった!買って詰めた商品を持って、値下げコーナーに逆戻り。万引きを疑われないかと恐怖感に苛まれながらも、ボディーソープにコンデショナーを手に決済へ。またも失敗!!三度目の正直、要りもしない洗顔フォーム3つを選び、アプリからポイントを使う決定ボタン、ようやくゾンビポイントが抹殺された~!!!! 映画のようなエンディングとともに、カワイイよね・ウフ♡












殿様:背景写真  (志村けん=松本潤)は同じだと知ったVPPR K.M.


2023.2 東海インハウスコンテスト】





2.11 日本語コンテスト]












2.25 International contest


    Father was treated as rubbish. He never attended the child’s school events. He just kept working hard. These are my memories. Now, he has changed as a Paragon for me.


    I gained 10 kg and lost wight in the end. We can keep our motivation but the method should be fun. Everyone can be an athlete.


    Raise the corner of the mouth. Although I was a negative person I was supported

by changing my movement. It will command your happiness. First smile, and then happy.


   We know the real society behind the mask. SNS blaze, offensive news, violence crashes. Now is the time, we accept the society and reject rudeness. Take off our masks!




Thank you to our guest Marc for joining us as our interviewer! You asked hilarious questions and shared your own experiences with us.


We would like to thank the contestants who joined and to everybody who turned in to the contest. We hope you all had a good time being with us on our magnificent contest, and we hope to see you again on the next contest that will be held soon!!






【 2022.12.17  クリスマス例会】






17:45、ワクワクが止まらないメンバーたちがいち早く会場入りし、飾り付け。既に気合の入ったコスプレをしているTM K, TM M, そして昨年のコスプレクイーンSちゃんとその母、TM Y. 「ラ~ストクリスマス、フフフフーンTM Gが用意してくれたクリスマスソングを口ずさみながら、いつもの例会会場をクリスマス仕様に。椅子を16脚円陣に置き、クリスマス例会の準備が整いました!


18:00、クリスマス例会スタート。まずはTM クマ美からのメッセージを、TM Kが代読。クマ美は都合により参加できなかったけれど、『東海クラブは私が私でいられる場所です』というメッセージが泣けます。クマ美、TM Tによろしくね。その後TM Sによる、ベストコスプレイヤー選考説明。各メンバー、自分のコスプレのアピールポイントを語ります。その後、TMトリオ・ザ上司と部下による、コント形式のテーブルトピックスセッション。「あなたの好きな小説は?」「あなたの好きな動物は?」「あなたが行ってみたいところは?」など、参加者全員にお題を振る。しかしながら、パワハラコントのインパクトが強すぎて、参加者のスピーチはあまり印象に残らず。ベストスピーカーは当然、TMトリオ・ザ上司と部下。(TM T, TM J, TM L)。あとハリセン。


18:50、ゲームセッションスタート。まずは滋賀県出身のTM N による、「滋賀県クイズ」。TM Nのおかげで、滋賀県について深く知ることができました。「うみのこ」って何だと思います?次はTM Cによる「チーム対抗お菓子の名前を当てよう」。参加者を3つのチームに分け、TM Cが無理やり日本語に直した、おなじみのお菓子の名前を当てるゲーム。「寿返し」「昂る口づけ」皆さん何のお菓子か分かりますか?その後は、「聖徳太子ゲーム」。「聖徳太子に任命されたメンバーは、メンバーが一斉に発した音から言葉を聞き取らなければならない。言われた言葉は「どんぐり」「たいやき」「はなまる」「うらしまたろう」等。それから、聞き取った言葉を使って即興スピーチを作る。さすがトーストマスターズ、いついかなる時もリーダーシップとスピーチを磨くことを忘れない!



その後は、TM Cによる極秘セッション、「TM Kに捧げるオヤジギャグ」。TM Kに内緒で予め募集しておいたオヤジギャグを、TM Kの前で炸裂させるメンバー。「ふとんがふっとんだ!」とか「内科に行かないか?」とか。審査委員長はもちろんTM K自身です。今回参加できなかったTM KYが、メンバーの名前を使ったダジャレメッセージでオヤジギャグ王を目指すも、優勝者は、息をするようにオヤジギャグを連発した、TM Y。彼女はこのために、図書館でダジャレの本を調べたそうです。


さて、その後はお待ちかねの、ベストコスプレイヤー発表セッション。我こそはベストコスプレイヤーと心の中で叫ぶメンバーを尻目に、TM Sが発表した優勝者は、Sちゃん。2連覇です!その後Sちゃんの音頭でお菓子プレゼント交換会。予算200円で購入した、クリスマスプレゼントのお菓子をみんなで交換。私は大好きなアポロをゲット。そして「昂る口づけ(ハイチュウ)」もゲット。


もぐもぐタイムの後には、会長のTM Mのクリスマス挨拶。TM Mはこれまで素晴らしいリーダーシップで、東海クラブを引っ張ってくれた功労者です。でも彼女は、周りに対する感謝を先ず述べていました。この謙虚な姿勢。真のリーダーシップです。


最後は全員で写真撮影。Tポーズでスマイル!今年も東海のクリスマス例会が、笑顔のうちに終わりました。東海メンバーは2022年も楽しく過ごしました。皆さん、良いお年を。最後に、今年のクリスマス例会を企画し、こんなに楽しいパーティを開いてくれた今期VPPRTM K、お疲れ様でした。ありがとうございました。


文責:TM NS


 The report of Christmas meeting on December17, 2022】



We have many Christmas meeting lovers here!


One-hundred twenty-five million fans of Tokai TMC, how have you been? It’s me, last VPPR, TM NS. Today, I’d like to report what was Christmas meeting held on December 17 like. Just enjoy it!


At 17:45, Some early comers, TM K, TM M, last Costume Queen S and her mother, TM Y,started decorating the room. They were so motivated with fancy Christmas costumes. “Last Christmas, hmmmm…” singing freely along with the Christmas songs prepared by TM G, they enjoyed decollating and made a meeting room a fancy party room. Sixteen chairs were installed in circle. We’re ready for Christmas party!


At 18:00, The Christmas party started! First, TM K read the message from Kumami, now in the US. She couldn’t attend the Christmas party but sent a warm message to us. The message said , “Tokai TMC is my home place.” That made us cry. Thank you Kumami. Please say hello to TM T. After that, TM S explained the rules of “Christmas Costume Contest”. Every member described their themes of the costumes. Then Table Topics session was started by Trio the Boss and the Staff. The session was conducted with comedy shows. The questions were “What is your favorite novel?” “What’s your favorite animal?”

“Which country would you like to go?” and so on. However, no one won the best Table Topics speaker except for Trio the Boss and the Staff because their Power-harassment comedy was so funny. The best award went to them and their Harisen.


At 18:50, The game sessions started. The first game session was “Shiga prefecture quizzes” conducted by TM N, born in Shiga prefecture. Thanks to TM N, we learned a lot about Shiga prefecture. Did you know about “Uminoko”? (It’s a kind of school event held only in Shiga prefecture.)


The second game session was “Guess what the original names were” conducted by TM C. The participants were divided into three teams and must guess the original names of the popular snacks such as “Kotobuki-gaeshi”, “Takaburu kuchiduke”. The next one is “Shoutoku-Taishi Game”. The designated member has to catch the sounds that the other members say at once.

The words said were “Donguri”, “Taiyaki”, “Hanamaru”, “Urashimataro” and so on. At the end of the game, we made impromptu speeches using those words. Yes, we’re Toastmasters, always remember improving ourselves!


A secret session followed. TM C secretly gathered ideas of “Oyaji jokes” from Tokai members in advance. The session was called “Oyaji jokes for TM K”. For TM K who loves Oyaji jokes, Tokai members presented their Oyaji jokes. TM K selected the champion as a chief judge. TM KY, who couldn’t join the party, sent an email with his own Oyaji jokes, using Tokai members’ names. He did his best however, the Champion was TM Y, who delivered Oyaji jokes without rest! She learned how to make Oyaji jokes from the textbook of Oyaji jokes in the library.


After that, the most exciting moment came! The best Christmas costume award session! The champion of this year was S-chan! This is her second victory! Then the champion S conducted “Exchanging Christmas sweets session”. The attendees exchanged the sweets they bought in advance. I got my favorite chocolate and “Takaburu kuchiduke(Haichu)”.


After eating snack, the final session started. TM M, our President, gave a closing speech expressing her appreciation to the members. She has led Tokai Toastmasters Club by her great leadership. However, she’s never showed it off. She is a real leader.


At the end of the party, there was a photo session. All the members were in a picture with beautiful smiles and T-signs. The Christmas meeting in 2022 was successfully adjourned! Tokai members had a great year. Merry Christmas and happy new year! TM K, VPPR this year, I really appreciate your hard work to make this meeting enjoyable. Thank you very much.


Reported by TM NS



例会記録/Past meetings




食欲の秋。皆さんは"裏メニュ”とやらをご存じだろうか。これは"隠しメニュ”と言われ、正式なメニューには載っていない。これはVIPや特別なゲストにもてなされるものだ。実は、東海トーストマスターズクラブはこのメニュを持つ唯一無二のクラブなのだ。通常、東海クラブの例会は、第2、第4週の土曜日に開催される。しかし、第5週目が土曜にあたる月は、特別なイベント例会が催されるのだ。VPE(教育担当)のTM TAKはここで、



TM Kさん含む7名の暇なメンバー、おっと失礼!言い間違い。VIPとして、もてなしてほしいゲストたちが6PMに来店した。さぁ、そっとレストランのZoomドアを開けてみよう!そして中の暖かい快適さを楽しもうじゃないか!





3)ワークショップ・スピーチ:TM Cさん論評:(3)+ Popcorn time )

4)Relay speech : Ghost or Horrible story ever had (2分)→ 次のスピーカーは前のスピーチを論評(1分)してから自分のGhost or Horrible story ever hadをスピーチ(2分)

5)Who do I want to be ? (English)英語のヒントを出して、自分の憧れの人物を当ててもらう。 

               ~ Joyful language  基本英語で話すルール ~


これぞまさに"隠しメニュー"通常例会よりハードだ。7人のメンバーは焦った。こんなおもてなしを受けることになるとは、予想だにしなかった。驚いたことに、オーナーは事前に何をやりたいか私たちに聞き取りをしていた、そして全部取り入れた。混沌以外の何ものでもない!!!! 最後には、全部完璧にこなしたのだ。


すべての回答は素晴らしく面白かった。しかし、最も震えた話はTM Cさんのものであった。彼女は最近オーストラリアへ出張した、それも一泊だけだ。職場からは出張補助が12,000円支給された。しかし、ホテル1泊20,000円、軽くラーメン食べたら1,000円以上、サラダは500円以上かかった。これ以上のホラー話が存在するものか。





決してデザートは甘いものばかりではないと悟った VPPR. K.M.


October 29.  Event meeting (Saturday in the fifth week)

[ Restaurant Owner’s Menu]


Autumn is the best season for eating. Do you know the back menu? This is said “hidden menu” that is not on the real menu. This is a hidden menu reserved only for VIPs and important guests. Actually. Tokai TMC is one and only club with this menu. Normally,

Tokai club’s meetings are held on the second and forth Saturday of the month. However, months that have Saturday in the fifth week is held a special meeting. VPE (Vice president education) TM TAK entertains the members during this secret meeting and tends to them the same way a restaurant owner treats his guests with a hidden menu. He makes sure that the members are satisfied and fulfilled by his warm treatment.


Seven members including TM K who have a lot of free time, Oops, it came out wrong! What I meant was, the members who wanted to be entertained as VIP, joined the meeting at 6PM. Thus, let us open the Zoom door gently and enjoy the warmth comfort inside!


“Welcome! Thank you for coming.” The owner, TM TAK’s eyes glinted brightly. “I am preparing a special menu for tonight.” Not to be confused, The owner didn’t mean food (Each member had to bring their own alcohol and snacks) His menu was a FULL COURSE STUDY!


1) Round robin : Theme -> to have a short speech regarding very harsh things caused by rapid inflation pretending a drunk guy.( 1min)

2) Self evaluation: Theme -> to have a short speech(3min) regarding pros and cons in your speech style, and target.

3) Workshop speech by TM C  Evaluation(3min) + Popcorn time

4)Relay speech: Ghost or Horrible story ever had(2 min)Next speaker to evaluate the former speech in one minute, then start his/her speech for 2 min.

5)Who do I want to be ? (English)

Audiences need to guess who the speaker would like to be based on the English comments from the speaker.


 This course was truly hidden menu!” It was harder than a regular meeting. The Seven members were panicked! We never thought We would receive such heavy hospitality.

What a surprise! this was done by the owner asking us in advance what we wanted for this meeting and incorporated all of those things. How Chaotic!!!! In the end, it was all done perfectly.


All the member’s input were great and interesting but the story I found most frightening was from TM C. She went on a business trip to Australia recently and stayed there only for one night. Her cover expense from the workplace was only 12,000 yen, but the hotel fee was 20,000 yen for a night. The noodle was more than 1,000yen, the salad, more than 500yen. A truly horrifying (and expensive) story.


The time was around 9PM.The customers were full and thought it was time to turn in and leave the restaurant. At that moment, the owner said, “How about the dessert🎵?” The after party then continued!!!!!!

Next time, if someone wants to try the back menu, Tokai club is waiting for you to fill your empty stomach! Here, you can be more talkative than ever.




I learned that dessert is not all sweet     VPPR K.M.

2022.10.8 コンテスト&ミニ例会  







スピーチタイトル「校長先生のことば」    犬山TMCクラブ Nさん





[論評] ・弓道部なら、弓を引くジャスチャーがあればよかった。





[English Contest]

Speech Title The Times Repeat    Toyota TMC club   Y.Y.


This is a work story. I am teaching a new employee to do my job, but she gets it wrong so many times! I want to be angry at her, but then I remember that when I was a new hire, I also gave my seniors a hard time. It also brought back memories of when I had to teach a senior employee how to use the computer. I felt frustrated because he kept asking me many questions. Then I realized that when I become a senior employee, a new system may be used that I can't even imagine. When that time comes, I may ask young employees many questions too. I would be in just as much trouble as the senior employees are now. So I should learn to be tolerant of the new employees' mistakes. Thinking about that makes me more forgiving.


[Evaluation]   You are a natural storyteller and told your story through the dialogue with the coworkers.

If you describe your workplace and coworkers, the audience could feel even more connected with your story.

Wait to speak until everyone has finished laughing.






腹が減っては戦はできぬVPPR   K.M.

2022.8.27 英語ハイブリッド例会



司会のTM Mがメンバーを「ロマンス、または恥ずかしい思い出」とともに紹介するからです。TM Kの歌を聞いたら、もう尋常の例会では満足できませんたーての糸はわーたし、、、 (中島みゆき『糸』)癒しです。

 東海トーストマスターズクラブは、毎年テーマを持っています。今年は、Division E のEを取ったEXCITING と、Tokai のTから THERAPEUTIC です。 メンバーが例会中にテーマの下にまとまってくるのを見るのは素敵です。


 さて、第1部テーブルトピックセッションでは、TM Lが司会でデビューします。お題は、「忘れられない・・・」です。TM J 「幽霊は信じないけど、説明できないものは怖い」司会のTM L が怖いもの、「金縛り」を引き合いに出して一位になりました。目を見開いた顔で怖さを表していました。

 次の準備スピーチセッションでは、偶然、メンターについての話が重なります。TM M


 論評セッションでも模範演技が続きます。TM Gが励ましの言葉を「要点-理由-説明-要点」の形式で述べて、一位になりました。参加者が優秀者を正しく投票できるのはうれしいことです。総合論評者もTM Gを評価していました。




 メンターについてたくさん学んだこの例会です。レポートをもう1曲中島みゆきで終えたいと思います。ここに、いるよ~(『空と君の間には』)                                   文責 TM R


August 27. English Hybrid meeting


"Today's word is 'extraordinary,'" the meeting has already begun with extraordinary excitement, as TM. M, TMOE introduces members with their episodes of romance or embarrassment.  We are not satisfied with ordinary meetings anymore after we hear TM K singing a Nakajima Miyuki therapeutically, You and I are woven into a cloth… (Ito---thread---) 

We, Tokai Toastmasters Club has a theme each year: EXCITING for Division E and THERAPEUTIC for Tokai this year.  I love seeing the attendants being united through the meeting under these themes.  I also love to report our excitement.

In the first session, the Table Topics session is controlled by TM L, a master debutant.  He reminds us of unforgettable experiences.  The victory falls on TM J, who doesn’t believe in ghosts but scares phenomena beyond explanation, citing Table Topics master's story "kanashibari,” sleep paralysis.  His face, with his eyes wide open, expresses how scared he is.

In the Prepared Speech Session, several speakers mentioned mentorship coincidentally.  We are inspired by TM M's story, "I'm here for you” showing us the example of a mentor.  M’s performance tells us how much practice was given to this perfection.

The evaluations this evening shows us what the example is. TM G gives an encouraging comment in the format "point-reason-example-point" and wins the prize.  I am pleased that the members have judged the winner precisely.  And General Evaluator TM K also praises him.  

He concludes his speech with this advice, “Masters should brush up their bridge talk between speeches.”  TMOE TM M surely aimed at this goal since she collected the participants’ information beforehand to mention in the bridge talk. What an extraordinary role taker!  I have seen a lot of examples again to follow.  We have a lot of mentors here.

I close this report on a mentorship meeting with another song by Nakajima Miyuki, I am here for you (Sora-to Kimi-tono Aidani, Between You and the Sky)                                                  TM R 


2022.7.9 ハイブリッド例会&7.23 英語オンライン例会


あなたは誰?「ワ・タ・シ・ハ・ET・」あなたは異星人なの?「マ・サ・カ!ワタシハはエリアETokaiのメンバーなのダ!しかし、東海クラブには異色の異星人がたくさんいるのは否めないのダ。7月に新タームが始まった、そこで例会をレポートするのダ。7月9日ハイブリッド例会、ナディアパークとオンラインのグループをつなげて行われた。忙しい!忙しいのダ!(左写真:最前列が新会長TM M)機器を扱ってくれるメンバーにありがとう!


7月23日は英語オンライン例会。初のTMOE(司会)を任されたTM K により開始された。彼女は前夜にその役を練習したとあって、上手にこなしてみせた。例会は3つのセッションからできている。

<テーブルトッピクスセッション>これは即興スピーチである。不意に当てられようものなら、緊張しすぎて、心臓が口からでそうになる。同じような経験を味わいに、ゲストとして東海クラブに来てみないかい! TTマスターのTM Kが質問をいくつか投げかけた。彼は答えから次の質問につなげていった。1.夏にお勧めすることは 答:軽井沢に行く 2.軽井沢で何をしたいか 答:くつろぎたい 3.あなたをリラックスさせるものはなに 答:温泉やサウナ など。 


<準備スピーチセッション>4名のスピーカーが、教育プログラム「Pathways」の目的に従い、5-7分のスピーチをした。1.TM K なぜ椎茸は子供に嫌われるのか 2.TM M ネットワーキングの彼女の経験を共有する 3.よい先輩を彼の経験談で語る 4.甘酒を飲む彼女の長年の疑問を解決する  どのスピーチも、思いがこもっていて、聴衆はまるで自分のことのように感じていた。

<論評セッション>各論評者はスピーカーに、良い点と改善点を与える。これはもっとも困難である。なぜなら、視点をどこに置き、内容を深く掘り下げるかは容易なことではない。TM Tがこう言った。「タイムオーバーしたのは、あなたのせいではない。それは聴衆、我々のせいだ!甘酒の話に口を挟みすぎたからだ!」これこそ素晴らしい論評の目線だ。こうして、これらの例会はスムーズに楽しく行われた。


それでは、ワタシハ今日のキーワード「eager」を使って、レポートを終えるのダ。 “ジャンジャジャーン!!!!” ワタシハ、

バイク好きなTM Nとツーリングをすることを切望している。もちろん、私は自転車に乗っていくのダ!


 E.T.  私はここにいるよ TM K.M



July 9. Hybrid meeting & July 23. 2022 English online meeting

(E.T. Ver. report)

Who are you? I am E.T. Are you an Alien? No way! I am a member of the Tokai TMC in area E. However, there are many different alien types in the Tokai club. A new term started this July. Let me report the regular meetings.


A Hybrid meeting was conducted on-site and off-site groups on the first meeting last July 9th. It was so busy there! (Photo on the left: New president TM M in the front row) Thank you to those members who handled the off-site equipment!


There was an online English meeting last July 23rd. It was kicked off by TM chairman K who was the first time to be assigned TMOE. She performed her role last night and she was good at it. There are three sessions.

<Table Topics Session> This is an impromptu speech. If you will be appointed suddenly Your heart will beat out of your chest. Why don’t you have a simulated experience to come here as a guest!

TTM TM K gave some questions. He made a chain of questions from the answer to the next question. 1. What do you want to do in Summer? A: Go to Karuizawa 2. What do you want to do in Karuizawa  A: Relax 3. What make you relax? A: Hot spring and sauna so on. He seemed to feel better after all the questions.

<Prepared Speech Session> Four speakers delivered 5-7 mins speech which follows the purpose of Pathways of educational program. 1. TM K Why shiitake is disliked by children2. TM M Sharing aspect of her experience of networking 3. TM K Talking about a good senior with his experience 4. TM A Clearing up her long -term question of drinking Amazake     Every speaker was full of thought and the audience felt as if it were their own.

<Evaluation session>Each evaluator gives good points and suggestions to their speaker. This is the most difficult. Because, where to place your viewpoint and dig into the content deeply is not easy. TM T said that Time over is not your (speaker’s) fault! it is our fault! as the audience poked their mouths into Amazake too much. Now that's what I call a great editorial perspective! And thus, these meetings were smoothly and pleasantly handled.


Then, I will close this report with a keyword of the day” eager" Tada--!!!! I eager to go touring with TM N who loves motorcycle. Of course, I 'm going on my bicycle!



E. T.  I will be right here.  K. M

2021.12 11 クリスマス例会


( Camera Ver. レポート)





テーブルトピックスセッションでは、進行マスターのCさんが、図工の力を発揮し、8つの手作り箱の中から出題。Youの…?「恋バナ」、「来年の抱負」、「今年のハッピー」、「大切な人に贈るプレゼント」、「今年の漢字一文字」、「思い出のクリスマス」、「サンタとトナカイの会話」、「恋バナ」。スピーカーの皆さん、共通して言えたのが、人とのつながりで今の自分が成長できたということ、向き合って来たんだ何事にも真剣に。一文字が「筋」のB君は筋肉と向き合って来たんだって。次はチーム対抗戦の3種のゲームセッション。「ジェスチャーゲーム」ランウェイを行くゴリラ。Kさんそのままだったよ上手過ぎ。「即興スピーチを作ろう」徳川家康が、城の石垣を1個外して筋トレしてたってお話、誠でござるか。「海亀のスープ」これは水平思考ゲームで、ヒントから正解を手繰り寄せるもの。俳優なのにスクリーンに映らないのはなぜ?声優だから。頭を使った後は、ベストコスプレイヤーの発表、断トツ優勝のSさん、おめでとう💛 その後M会長から、世界に一つだけのチョコを、パーティの幹事Nさんからも金平糖をもらったよ。あまーいお菓子と、とろける笑顔で、最後は記念撮影だ。盛り上がった音楽、差し入れにも感謝しながら。








December 11, Christmas Party


( A report from Camera who took the photos of the party)

I'm Camera. G, my owner, bought me when he was in university. He was suffered from injured knee then, and started taking photos as a hobby instead of activity of the sport club.  I'm happy to be here , Christmas Party. " I'm taking many photos of the party!"


First of all, the attendees introduced themselves. There were 3 guests . President M's daughter, little S, K from Kotonoha TMC and another K from Sakae TMC.  Welcome to Tokai TMC!  The next session was explanation of the best costume play award competition. Everyone knew Little S would win and gave up competing.


In the Table Topics Session, MC C showed her talent of hand-craft. She made 8 boxes which have Table Topics questions. "Your love story", " The resolution for the coming year. ", " The happiness of the year", "The gift for loved one", "Kanji of the year", "The memorable Christmas", "Santa Clause and the reindeer's  words", and "Your another love story" All the speakers mentioned that they improved themselves through relationships with others. They have done their best in their lives. B chose "Muscle" for the kanji of the year. He said he continued to listen to his muscle's voice to pump up himself.


In the Game session, three games were introduced. First, Gesture game.  K's gestures were amazing as if he were a real gorilla!  His question was " A gorilla walking the run-way" Next, Making impromptu speeches. Players made so many funny stories. Finally, The sea turtle soup. This is so called "Lateral thinking quiz".  An example was "Why the movie star didn't appear in the screen at all?" The answer was "Because she was a voice actor."


After "thinking" time,  The best Christmas costume play award session followed. The winner was Little S, of course! Congratulations, Little S!  


The next session was the Christmas gift session The sweetest chocolate was given from President M. From TMOE, pointed sugar candy balls.  After the party, I (Camera) took a commemorative photo. Many thanks to the organizers who prepared everything including fabulous music and drinks.


I completed my role. TMOE said the reason of  pointed sugar candy balls was its shape. It is alike covid 19. She said "Let's beat Corona!"  I hope we will get back THE NORMAL. Marry Christmas!







2021. 10.23   英語対面例会




今回の司会、TM. Kの穏やかな声で始まった。最初のセッション、テーブルトピックスの司会者TM. Gは、時間を無駄にすることなく司会を勧めた。"Now, commercial time." とジョークで話を区切りながら、当夜のトピックは東海クラブについてだった。まず、最古参の1人、TM. Sが、クラブに参加した理由を。次はTM. M がクラブの忘れられない思い出と共に、以前の会員について思い出させた。TM. Kは、クラブに大切なものは、助ける態度で、それが東海クラブの良いところだと話した。ベストスピーカーはTM. Kだった。


もっともワクワクするセッション、準備スピーチセッションは、ワクワクさせるTM. Mのスピーチがリードした。学生たちを教えていて、学生との対話に呆れたり、励まされたりしながら、却って自分の方が学んでいると訴えた。


2人目は、新人TM. Aが、"Profession, Position and Passion "と題して、Passionに支えられた過去を振り返った。3人目は、驚くことに司会のTM. Kがスピーカーだった。ペットを失くした友人の悲しみを完全には理解できないと告白し、それでも側にいるという、友情のあり方を訴えた。一方で、クラブの仲間が共有する情報で笑いを誘う技術を使った。




最後の論評セッションでは、今回の言葉係TM.Jの工夫が論評者を助けた。"One thing I'd like to point your attention to is..."  これは、使いやすく、論評者の表現を向上させた。TM.Kは、新人とは思えない、的確な分析で論評をした。TM.Mは、賞のプレゼンターのように、威厳を持って励ましの言葉をかけた。TM. Rは、話者の長所を認め、TM.Tは手慣れた表現で、要点を明快に述べた。共通の話題で笑いを取る腕前は、誰もが見習いたいものだった。ここでのベストスピーカーはTM.Tだった。しかし付け加えるなら、投票係のTM.Yも同様に、笑いを取る技術を使っていた。セッション司会のTM.Sまで笑わせる皆の取り組みが、東海クラブの魅力である。




October 23. 2021  English Hybrid meeting


It has been several months since we met last in person. We haven't noticed that Christmas illumination covered the town until we got to Nadya Park Building. The On-site meeting held after a long self-restraint period showed us lots of good things.


TM K, the TMOE tonight, declared to start the meeting with her gentle voice.  The first session was Table Topics Session, conducted by TM G, progressed smoothly. "Now, commercial time." saying a joke, the conductor gave the topics of the day, which were about Tokai TMC. The first speaker was TM S, one of our oldest members, talked about his reasons for joining Tokai TMC. The next speaker was TM K. She talked about our Club's treasure, which is mutual supporting. She was chosen as a best Table Topics speaker.


"The most exciting " Prepared speech session started with TM M's exciting speech. She talked about her recent experience to teach at a school. She said she was confused about the students' "too friendly behaviors" but that experience gave her lots of lessons. 


The second speaker was a new member, TM A. She gave a speech titled " Profession, Position and Passion" that is about her history supported by her own passion. The third speaker was, surprisingly, TM K, today's TMOE. In her speech, She confessed that she was not able to completely understand her friend's sorrow of losing the pet. Even so, she tried to stand by her friend.  Meanwhile, she drew laughter by the information that all the Tokai member knew.


The final speaker was TM N. She expressed how attractive figure skating, her favorite was, and  made a big effort to manage "difficult people" in the audience.  The club members who took the roles of interrupters did a great job. Thanks to them, TM N completed her project. The best prepared speaker was TM M. The audience was impressed by her delivery with lively reproduce of the conversation and stunning speech structure towards the conclusion.


In the evaluation session,  TM J, today's word master, helped the evaluators with his good idea. The phrase he had given "One thing I'd like to point your attention to is..." was easy to use, and improved the evaluators' expressions.  TM K's evaluation speech was far better for a new member's. She evaluated with on-target analysis.  TM M encouraged the speaker  with dignity like an award presenter.  TM R pointed out the speaker's strength, and TM T told the important points briefly. His skill to draw laughter with the common subject was appealing for us.  He was chosen as the best evaluator. In addition, TM Y, the  vote counter, also used the skill of drawing laughter. Even the General evaluator, TM S, laughed. This atmosphere is attractivity of Tokai TMC. 


Finally, I was so impressed that some members took double-roles and TM A voluntarily wiped the tables after the meeting. This voluntary spirit makes leaders.



2021.9.11  神奈川TMCとの合同例会




さぁ当日。TM Cのアイデアで、東海メンバーは東海地方名物のお面を付け、会長お手製の東海カラーのバーチャル背景をまとって、我々は一致団結!合言葉はT!メンバーお揃いのスタイルでいざ闘いの場へ!


我々の熱さに自信はあったが、向こうも想像を超えるキャラの濃さの集まり。加工により顔が最後までわからない人、ホワイトボードに書きながら論評する人、マイクを持って煽る人など…視覚情報もさることながら、スピーチの中身も素晴らしかった。お国自慢をテーマとした準備スピーチセッション。TM Nは、トヨタ自動車で有名な豊田市の歴史と、N少年の歴史をなぞらえて語って頂きました。愛知と神奈川の発展の共通点にびっくりです!今度はN少年の恋の発展も聞けるのかしら。TM Sは思い出に残る名古屋の食べ物を、ご自分の思い出と一緒にスピーチされていました。名古屋の食べ物ってやっぱり素敵。離れてみてわかることなんですね。TM Bは、郷土愛を熱く語ります!と始めながら、自分の故郷とは、歴史や文化を語るところではなく、自分を育んでくれた出会いの場所。さすが深いです。TM Mは、学生時代の思い出と共に、王道を行かない人への対処の仕方を語ってもらいました。ビジュアルもスピーチの中身も、大~変濃厚でした!





The very first day of this fiscal year, a challenge was sent from Kanagawa TMC! A joint meeting would be held. It was a great invitation for our club though, we didn't know what a joint meeting was at all. "The  attendees will be doubled,?" "The  half of them will be strangers?" " Can we enjoy the meeting online.?" I was  quite nervous....


On the day of the event. By TM C's idea, Tokai TMC members bonded together by wearing masks related to specialties of Tokai region and Turquoise blue back screen made by the president! Our password is "T"! We proceeded to the battle field in matching outfits!


We were confident in our passion, but the opponents had much stronger characters than we  had expected. A fabricated faceless man , an evaluator  writing the  keywords on the white board, an agitator grabbing his microphone, and so on...The meeting was so fabulous for not only virtual aids but for the contents of the prepared speeches. The prepared speech session  theme is " Show off your  hometown pride!" TM N talked about the history of his hometown, Toyota city, which was famous for Toyota Motor Company, along with his own history. I was surprised to know about the common industry developments between Aichi and Kanagawa ! Maybe we will hear  about his love development some day? TM S delivered the speech about memorable  local foods in Nagoya with his own memories.  It seemed that we noticed the greatness of the local foods after we had left the city.  TM B started with the sentence he would passionately talk about his love for the hometown. However, he concluded that his hometown is not the place to mention its history or culture but the place where he met the people making him grow. What a deep story!

TM M's speech theme was "How to communicate with those who don't choose ordinary ways of life".  The inspiring theme was from his own experience when he was a high school student. Both of  his speech and interesting appearance were tremendously impressive!


Even though I was nervous at the beginning, I found myself bursting of laughter in the meeting! I really enjoyed the chemistry of  lots of passionate geeks! It was awesome that we shared a great time with many strangers online! One of the real thrills was to listen to speeches and evaluation speeches from the different view points from the different club members.  We had an enjoyable as well as informative time.


Finally, I would love to express my appreciation  to the speakers who talked about their love to Tokai region, the fellow members who made incredible masks, and our lovely president who prepared this meeting with all her power. I love you all so much!


2021.8.14  日本語例会(逆順例会)



「参加された皆様、楽しんで頂けましたでしょうか?」から始まった逆順例会。実は、メンバーから逆順英海に挑戦したいという希望があり、早速、東海の今期のテーマ「T」の「Try」の精神で進めました。それに先立って、TMOE(総合司会)とGE(総合論評)の練習、動画作成、その動画を見てから挑んだ14名のメンバー&6名のゲストの皆様。GE、TM Yの各人に対する細かい無茶振りから始まりました。聞いてるだけで全員爆笑。さらにAHC(あーカウンター)、WM&GRA(本日の言葉係、文法係)の無茶ぶり。TMOEのTM  Tはそれに応えるべく無茶ぶりの重ねづけ!串カツだったら怒られるレベル。TM Jは踊りながら論評、TM Nはキュンですしながら論評、TM Bはぬいぐるみ動員して論評。対する準備スピーチはTM Y。GEとのダブルロールにもかかわらず無茶ぶりを華麗に披露しながらスピーチ。TM Mは予告通り途中止まりながらも完走、さらに次のスピーカーのTM Mへの無茶振り。TM Mは休憩時間にハートメガネ作成。TT(テーブルトピックス)は感想を聞きながら当てられた人が話すシステム。こちらも大爆笑。こちらも大爆笑。TM S、TM N、TM Cの恋の話、最高でした!途中から「T」「T」コールが酷く、まるでショッカーのよう…(イー!イー!)ですね。

人の話をよく聞くいい機会でした。対する英語例会は、通常例会。逆順で興奮しすぎた私は、味気なく感じてしまいましたが、東海TMCは通常例会も濃いです。TMOEは一番のセクシーボイス、TM G。準備スピーチ3本。TM Bの論評の論評についてのスピーチ。なるほど勉強になったと、その日の論評者が全員取り入れておりました。TM Rは地元の話をソーシャルスピーチで。TM Mはリーダーについて。あっという間の3時間でした。毎回例会の後は興奮して眠れないんだけど、なんでかな?もう一度逆順例会のTM Yの睡眠についてのスピーチ見なきゃ。


Shockers? A big gathering of the TT tribe! An-hour-and-a-half big excitement!


"Thanks for participating and I hope you all  enjoyed yourselves." The reverse-order meeting started with this announcement. The other day, A member of the club had wanted to try to have a  reverse-order meeting, so we immediately  planned and implemented this special meeting in the spirit of "Try", which is one of "T" themes of Tokai Club this year. Prior to the meeting, TMOE and GE rehearsed and  made a YouTube video that lectures how to hold a reverse order meeting. Then 14 members and 6 guests joined the meeting after watching the video. The first session started with TM Y, GE's delicate and reckless requests to each role taker, which made all the participants  laugh.  Furthermore, AHC and WM&GRA also asked reckless requests to participants. TM T, TMOE, responded with crazier requests. Again and again! Would be scolded if it were KUSHIKATSU! 

In the evaluation session, TM J commented with dancing, TM N did with making finger heart signs, and TM B did with his buddies, stuffed animals. In the prepared speech session,  TM Y showed brilliant recklessness in her speech although she played a speaker and double as GE. TM M completed the speech, responding the request,  stopped in the middle of her speech. Then she gave a reckless request to the next speaker, Another TM M! Another TM M made  a pair of heart-shaped glasses during intermission.


In the Table Topics session,  Assigned speakers had to give their speeches after receiving the comments from the evaluator to their speeches.  The speakers, TMs S, N, and C did a great job! Their "impromptu" love stories were so good!  In the middle of their speeches, "T T call" sounded loudly, just like Shockers' "Yee Yee call"!


Through this reverse order meeting, we had a good opportunity to listen to others. Following the English meeting was a regular meeting. I was so excited at the reverse order meeting that I felt the regular one plain. However, Tokai TMC's regular meeting is still exciting!  TMOE was Tm G, who has the sexiest voice in the Club. There were three prepared speeches.  TM B 's  speech about good evaluations was very informative.  TM R gave a social speech about her hometown. TM M gave a speech about leadership. Three hours just flew by!  I had a soooo exciting time as always. I wonder why I can't sleep after a meeting every time. Maybe I should watch TM Y's speech about sleeping that she gave in the reverse order meeting again!


2021. 7.24  英語例会


【ルパンⅢ世Ver. レポート】

ルパン!Oh my!不二子ちゃーん。どうして私たちがここに。東海クラブの新会長TM Mのもと、特別な恋愛例会が、今日の英語会で企画されたんだ。初のMC(TMOE)を務めるTM Hが皆の憧れのカップルを聞いたところ、俺たちが呼ばれたってわけ。他にも、波平とフネ(サザエさん)もね。東海クラブは愛に溢れていて、会長の目指すクラブ色はターコイズブルーらしい。多くの役によって例会は進行されるんだけど、会長はOh my!カウンターとして、愛を数えるらしいぜ。始まったようだ。最初のテーブルトピックスセッションでは、TM Cの「愛について」の質問、3名の答えは、「東海クラブ」、「Youtube ビデオ創作」、「旅」だった。次の準備スピーチセッションでは、なんと5名のスピーカーが饒舌な愛のスピーチを繰り広げた。


1.TM Y 「What comes before love」誰かを愛する前に自分自身を理解することが必要。

2.TM T「A dream that won't come true」永遠の関係を保つために最も貴重な時間は何なのか。 

3.TM C  「A friend in need is a friend indeed」同窓会でのYくん、何もしない後悔より会えてよかった。

4.TM R   「偶然を奇跡に変える」巡り会えた奇跡にどれほどの奇跡を積み重ねていこうか。 

5.TM M  「東海道五十三次~愛を探して~」愛の旅路に辿り着いたのは、東海エリアの旦那様と東海トーストマスターズクラブ。



不二子ちゃーん、東海メンバーにとっての最高のカップルは、TM Tがスピーチで認めた、奥さんと彼自身かも知れないね。あとそれから、TM Sがあいみょんの「マリーゴールド」の歌詞を読んだ時、本当に東海クラブは愛に包まれているって、撃ち抜かれたような気分になったのさ。Oh my! ルパン!



Lupin! Oh my!  Fujiko-chan! Why are we here?  TM M, the new President, planned a special meeting called " Love Meeting" for today's English meeting. Serving as  her first-time TMOE, TM H  asked a question to everyone that who  the best couple are for you. Then , we were chosen as one of the best couples.  Another one is the couple of Namihei and Fune.( From Sazae-san).  Tokai Club is full of love, and its symbol color is turquoise blue that the President has chosen.


The meetings take place with some sessions by many role takers. Tonight, the President TM M counted the numbers of  "Oh my!" and  "love" as an "Oh my! Counter".  The meeting started.  In the Table Topics Session, TM C, the master of ceremony , asked the questions about love. The answers of the three speakers were "Tokai Club", "Making Youtube videos" and "Trips". In the prepared speech session,  five speakers delivered lovely stories. (Refer to the  titles in the Japanese article)

1. TM Y: I need to understand myself before loving someone.

2. TM T: What the precious moment is to keep a relationship forever.

3. TM C: Glad to meet Mr. Y in the alumni reunion; even though it was a bitter memory, doing something is far better than doing nothing.

4. TM R: How many miracles of marriage will take place?

5. TM M: Meet a husband and Tokai TMC in the Tokai area after a long journey to LOVE.


In the evaluation session, all the evaluators did well. You can't improve yourselves without good evaluations, which are not only kind, but also strict, just like love. You also should accumulate experiences and work hard to keep  good relationships and doing the Club activities. 

The best couple for Tokai Club could be TM T and his wife, as he stated in his speech.  When TM S introduced the lyrics of "Marigold by Aimyon",  I was completely convinced  like shot by gun, that this Tokai Club was full of love.
Oh my! Lupin!


By K.M; not Fujiko-chan


2021. 7. 10  2021年度最初のハイブリッド例会






まずは新メンバーの入会式。前会長にしてVPM、TM Yが司会を務め、新メンバーM.Iさんが新たな仲間となりました。これで東海のメンバーは21名に。新年度、幸先良いスタートとなりました。続くテーブルトピックス・セッションは、TM Rが仕切ります。独創的なテーマの中には、「やる気をなくしたランプの精をその気にさせるには?」なんてものも。もちろん、ウィットに富んだ答えが返って来ました!答えたのはTM A。

そして、準備スピーチセッション。日英合わせて4人のスピーカーという盛況ぶり。TM Nの、新会員に送るエールスピーチ(日本語)、TM Mの、人との関りを考えさせられる示唆に富んだスピーチ(日本語)、M会長の、ニックネームのパワーについて語るスピーチ(英語)、そしてTM Tの、トーストマスターズというものを、学術的に分析したプレゼンテーション(英語)。どれも聞きごたえがありました。


続く論評セッション。TM Cの切れ味鋭いコンダクトによる、4人の論評者のスピーチ論評です。スピーチの論評は、スピーカーにとってご褒美です。これがあるから、スピーチがんばろう、と思えるのです。TM O, TM A、TM G、そしてTM Bによる、華麗なる論評スピーチの競演。スピーカーも聴衆も全員満足。これだから例会はやめられない。


今期はM会長、そしてVPE TM Mによる、Shining  Sun &  Super Moon の Golden Opportunity  Combination!



(文責: TM N)



2020.12.12  クリスマス例会/Christmas meeting

「マスクあり,食事なし」で少し心配でした。私が到着したとき。きれいなクリスマスの飾りつけが正面に見えました。受付で,名札用と抱負などのコメントを書くための2枚のカードをもらいました。後者は何でも可で,例えば「億万長者になれますように」とか。私自身は「I love sport(スポーツを愛します)」と書きました。酒でもよかったかな。






2020.12.12 Tokai TMC’s Christmas Party

“A party with mask ,without dish” I felt a bit uneasy. When I arrived, I saw the ornament before my eyes. At the reception I received two pieces of paper for a name and a word. As for the latter one, you can write anything. For example “May I be 

a billionaire.” In my case, “I love sports”. As the opening remark, TM T and TM N spoke about the meaning and progress of the Party. A pouch of candy was delivered to the individuals. A tiny Santa Claus in it was smiling to me, I supposed.

In Self Introduction Session, we could discover the members’ profiles which were invisible ordinarily. In TTS Session, TM T pointed us in Japanese and TM N pointed us in English. I supposed that TT Speakers told us deeper stories than usual.

In Group Session, A Group made their own stories and each member made a part of it

and announced. The stories which were made were unexpected ones! In Quiz Session, a card on which was delivered pretty characters were. The reverse side of it was voting card too. A group or a member of which were to answer . There were various questions. They were about TMC regulations and its origin or about Christmas songs. We knew that the song “The Jingle Bells” is not of Christmas Song but of Thanksgiving Day. In Gift Exchange Session, The way of exchange was unique. It’s a kind of quiz. 

We individuals were informed the content of a gift package by the cards concealed , then we have to find it among the packages.

Lastly I’d like to conclude this report by the four guest comments.

“ This Party was bright and energetic”  “In Zoom, there is a limit”

“It was academic and enjoyable”  “Full concentration of previous preparation I will join next year”


2020.9.12 ハイブリッド日本語例会/Hybrid Japanese meeting

【ワンピースVer. レポート】 つながった~!! 会場とオンラインを繋いでの初のハイブリッド例会、まるで大冒険に旅立つ帆船のよう。準備を進めてきてくれた会長NさんとG氏に感謝の意を表し成功させたい。ようこそ! ゲストの横浜クラブYさん、元J代表K氏、M氏、帆を張り出発進行!! 

S氏からのキーワードは、「意表を突く」この言葉を使ってほしいと、三角プレートを作られたのには意表を突かれたね。この例会旅には3つのゾーンがある。まず最初に即興スピーチのゾーン、Yさんがお題をだそうと待ち構えていた。即興で答えないと船が沈んじゃう!8つの感情から、誰かに向けていずれかの感情を使ってスピーチしろなんて(顏・声色の表現を駆使して)なんという荒波!! 1番目ゲストK氏 後輩へ:スプーンをペロと舐めた彼に後輩からの一言「キモっ」(かなしい、でも今となってはうれしい)2番目Mさん カマキリへ:おくらを採っていたとき、大嫌いのカマキリに遭遇しピンチ(こわい)(でもMさんのスピーチの顏が、カマキリ以上に怖かった)3番目ゲストYさん お姉さんへ:オンライン例会に出席するため、部屋を占領し追い出して(ごめんなさい)4目番Y氏 自動運転の車へ:テクノロジーへの驚き(うれしいでもこわい)

次のゾーンは、準備スピーチのゾーン。4名の勇者が5~7分スピーチをしたよ。ここでは波は立たない、だって自信に満ち溢れた海は穏やかだから。1番目Aさん「山の民の国:アフガニスタン・イスラム共和国」彼女は仕事柄関わりのあったアフガニスタンについて故人中村哲先生を偲び、尊敬の念を抱き語ってくれた。心にしみたよ~2番目Aさん「どこでもドア」わくわくするタイトル、彼女のドアを開けてくれたのは英語だった。今のすばらしい英語の裏には、初期の発音 One(オネェ)があったんだって。3番目Y氏「今しかできない!」日本・ヨーロッパ自転車での縦断、今しかできないことをと強い目力とメッセージで伝えてくれた。スピーチスタイルを学ぶべし! 4番目O氏「私のTMC歴~TMCはプロかアマか~」クラブ歴18年、トーストマスターズがプロかアマかだなんて、その発想自体がすばらしい。やはり重鎮だから。



2020.9.12 ハイブリッド英語例会/Hybrid English meeting

Let’s move on to the English meeting on Hybrid. Tonights TMOD was TM M who cooperated to set up the Hybrid as well. Thank you so much! Word master of TM M gave us the word of the day which is "encourage." Exactly, well-written and delivered speeches encourage us to have an enlightenment and clear understanding of the topic. That is the essence of the TOASTMASTERS CLUB.


TM A kicked off the first session of the table topics. The questions are which category you are in. Which type are you. The three speakers took up the challenge.

1.Do you make yourself or others happy?

TM M said he seems to have coped-up with the death of his pet dog named “Sakura chan” After that he is trying to make himself happy.

2. Which do you choose a job? Is it a passionate job or a hobby?

TM T answered She will design clothes for children in the near future. How fashionable she is!

3. Do you have any goal or mission?

The last speaker TM J replied that he is not a type of person who decides an exact goal. He is an English teacher and likes to dance Salsa. He believes in doing what he wants to be.


The next session was the prepared speech. The three speakers encouraged us to improve our public speaking skills. The titles were mentioned as follows: 1. “80/20” by TM G “The 80/20 Principal” He read this book which led to his new lifestyle by applying the magic of 80/20.

2. “Because it is your best friend” by TM N. Being a good friend is important in achieving great success. She regretted not being passionate about a soccer ball in the past.

3. Misunderstanding the power” by TM K of the Guest. He misunderstood that he was loved by a girl in a school days. But he was wrong and his beauty was not a sin. In the end, Misunderstanding encourages the power!

Today’s meeting was concluded perfectly as everyone encouraged a good atmosphere.

Dear guests, Thank you for attending our Japanese and English meetings for long hours.Why don’t you come again to pull audience dynamic !!



2020.6.27 オンライン英語例会/ Online English meeting

This was the last meeting in this term. Despite the COVID 19 pandemic crisis, we have continued to hold the online Meeting on Zoom. TMOE (Toast Master of the Evening), she
coordinated to take a photo together showing the Z sign which stands for ZOOM. Everyone of us made a Z sign, anything that starts with letter Z. It was awesome! Aside from the regular meeting, we also had the officer turnover ceremony because the new term starts from July under the new officers. In the regular meeting the order of the sessions were changed. First, we had the Prepared speech session, secondly the Evaluation session, and finally the Table topics session. We had three speakers during that meeting. The titles of the speeches were"Nearsighted", "The Anger Eating Monster", "Why am I here?", "Take a look at oneself", "Fight and Overcome your negative and harsh feelings",and "Passion for Tokai toast masters club" as her final speech of CC10. These were appealing and emotional indeed. We are welcoming guest! Why don’t you come here to listen to the dramatic speeches. Feel with your heart. In the Table topics session, three questions were raised as follows: 1. If aliens came would you like to go to the planet with them? 2. If one day you are suddenly famous, what would you be famous for? 3. What was something happened that you didn’t imagine would happen? Her answer for the first question was - "Go to the planet and never hesitate to join with aliens." The Guest speaker answered the second question in Japanese. The third speaker said that the event that he couldn't imagine was when Donald Trump became the president. Impromptu speeches were very challenging and enjoyable. In the end of the Officer turnover ceremony, VPE M.Y prepared PPT (power point) to introduce the old and new officers. The picture of Happiness God new officers boarded the ship was so cute! They will lead us for the period of one year. Other members also will help for their undying support for Tokai club. This last meeting was adjourned successfully. K.M.

2020.4.25 オンライン英語例会/ Online English meeting

Due to the new corona virus or COVID19 outbreak, the English meeting on April25th was, again, held online using Zoom. For me, not only the restrictions due to COVID19 but also the “Zoom meeting” was the first experience in my life. The meeting started with the keyword “uplifting,” which means encouraging and the “ice-breaking” special introductions prepared by TM M.Y (TMOE of this meeting) of how “uplifting” members enjoy lives in this “stay home”circumstance. Today’s topic in the table topic session was about job or work. More specifically, each assigned speaker in this session had the opportunity to talk about topics like “joy and satisfaction in the job,” “the important project ever experienced,” “particular job skill he or she was developing.” Now is the time to rethink how to deal with many things in our lives, and the job is not the exception. So I felt listening to short speeches about positive and productive topics related to career or work empowers us a lot.
I enjoyed this session as a speaker, as well. In the prepared speech session, three speakers delivered the speeches. TM Y and TM G delivered their ice-breaker speeches. Ice-breaker speech is the first speech which new members deliver in Toastmasters club, and the purpose of the speech is “self-introduction” to other members. TM Y talked about his business (he is a business owner!) and what he loves with his very fluent English. I was impressed with his passion for studying English and surprised how fast he reached his current English level. TM G talked about his stories until he became an English teacher and came to Tokai Toastmasters Club. Finally, Division J English speech contest winner TM A delivered her speech. She competes in district(national) contest as a representative of Division J and Tokai Club. Good luck! In this meeting, my role was “grammarian,” and I took this role for the first time.
Grammarian is focusing on the “grammar” of speakers and gives feedback to help improve the speech. Although it was a little bit difficult, it was a refreshing experience! Under this “stay-home” circumstance, I had less opportunity to communicate with people recently. But it was very “uplifting” for me to connect with energetic members through this meeting. Thank you very much! T.M.

2020.4.11 オンライン日本語例会/ Online Japanese meeting


2020.3.14 オンライン日本語例会/ Online Japanese meeting


コロナで対面例会が厳しい今日この頃、3/14、ついに、東海TMCはオンライン例会を実施しました! テストのために、30分前から準備をしていた私に、TMOEのSさん、SAAのSiさんは笑顔で登場!なんとこの日、オンラインにも関わらず、11名の参加者がいました!これも本当に凄いことです。(みなさんご協力ありがとうございました!)時間になると、早速新会長に就任されたTM Mさんが挨拶し、和やかにスタート。TMOEのSさんの職人のような見事な司会者ぶりで自宅にいるのにナディアに来たかのような気分を味わいました。本日のTTMはJさん、最近暗いニュースが多いけど、と前置きして、健康管理、思い出の旅行、変わった食事の方法、家族との過ごし方、を明るい質問で提案し、私たちに楽しかったことや面白かったことなどを思い出させて教えてくれました。コロナ関連のニュースで暗くて悲しいことが多いけれど、みんなの話で気が紛れました。特に、指を立てて、トンボが止まる様子を話してくれたTM Mさんの話は映像が目に浮かび、印象的でした。(Mさんがベストスピーカーでした!)続いて、準備スピーチセッション。TM Tの自己紹介スピーチ。TMOEのSさんも「お腹いっぱい」と言っていましたが、本当にお腹いっぱい。引き出し多すぎです。飲食関係の仕事をなんと25年も行い、3店舗の店を仕切る経営者であってyoutuber、そしてお父さんでありつつ、手相占い師。トーストマスターの人たちを凄いと言っていましたけど、あなたも凄い。ぜひ、私の手相をみてください。続いてTM Mの「良い質問がしたい」。なんと、TM Mさんはいい質問をするためにノートにスピーチ内容をメモし、「自分が聞きたいこと」ではなく「相手が聞いてほしいこと」を聞くために、相手に興味を持って接しているとのことです。本当に努力家!そしてこの日でCC10終了です。おめでとうございます!ついで私とTM Nさんのコンテスト練習スピーチ。Nさんはエリアコンテストのスピーチをバッサリ切り捨てて、新しいスピーチで登場。これにはびっくりしました。でも、以前のスピーチより登場人物も浮き彫りで、会話の時に顔を横に向けるなど、狭いzoomの画面上で動きを入れて一生懸命スピーチされていました。論評セッションでは、TM K, TM Si, TM S, TM Eさんの話もナディアにいるような切れ味抜群の論評。総合論評はTM Aさん。いつもながらの良い声で、きめ細かい気配りで全員への激励をし、ますます頑張ろうと思った次第です。あーカウンターのTM Gさんには、口癖まで数えられてしまいました。気をつけないと!vote counterの私は、オンラインミーティングで初のオンライン投票を実施。いつものみんなの手書きの集計も味があって良いけど、ハイテクでした!TMOEのSさんはword materも兼務。本日のwordは「自粛する」。メンバーはトーストマスターなので「自粛する」、を自粛していましたね。(笑)ともあれ、オンラインミーティングが無事成功し、やっぱりトーストマスターって最高だな!って思いました。今夜も興奮して眠れません。M.Y.

2020.1.25 日英インハウスコンテスト(クラブ内予選)/Jap.& Eng. In-house contest

進めて頂きたいものです。そして4月、お二人の応援で京都まで行けたらいいなぁ…やはり、コンテストは本当に楽しいものですね!コンテスタント、スタッフの皆さん、本当にお疲れ様でした! S.N.

On Saturday January 25, the English In-house Speech Contest was held at the regular meeting venue of Tokai TMC. There were six contestants including me,and we enjoyed six wonderful speeches. I have to apologize that I didn't remember the titles of the most speeches. Since I was one of the contestants, I was too nervous to catch all the information. The contestants are TM A, TM S, TM E, TM N, TM T, our President, and me, TM S. All the contestants did their best in their performances. Every performance was so impressive that it might have been difficult for the judges to evaluate strictly. Every speech deserved the first place. The winner of the contest was TM A. The second place was TM N and the third place was me, TM S. TM A and N are proceeding to the Area 102 International Speech Contest on February 15. Congratulations, TM A and TM N! S.N.


2019.10.26 英語例会/ English regular meeting

It was a first meeting after cancellation of the last one because of typhoon. TMOE M started it with two big mouths, an ear and her big smile on a Halloween week. The word of the day, "kick off" was introduced to describe "starting something new." We welcomed two new members this month. One was Timer and the other facilitated her first Table Topic Session and the themes were related to Halloween and new technologies.

One of the speakers mentioned about AI through a recent TV program that tells us that one of the famous singers who passed away released a new song using technologies. I was so amazed that AI/IT has already been developed! For prepared speech session, we had two speakers and one was also talked about technologies or development in chemistry. It was a good chance for us to contemplate how much perspiration was needed behind these small devices, smart phone. Tokai TMC is not only a wonderful place to learn soft skills like speaking or leadership but also touch something new in our lives. What would you like to kick off this autumn? K.T.

2019.8.10 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings


Then followed the English session. Table Topic Session gave us stories in summer in various situations:  in Nagoya, childhood, and meals. What interested us most was "how to improve our health in summer."   TM. O  gave us three points and reasons.    I realized his speech structure was easy to follow. The prepared speech session had two speakers. First, TM. M gave a speech titled "Let's  try Ikebana."   Although her visual aid was not well prepared, her tips for beginners attracted the audience. The second speaker TM. S performed "Three languages are conflicting in my brain."  with expressive gestures, which showed us her struggle and dream in aiming at a polyglot. Her speech also told us the merits of the Pathways education system:  However refined the first version sounds, the revision could make it more.     Finally, I would like to introduce respectful behaviors in the meeting.Many members tackled with their first trial to a new role or voluntary role and the experience lifted us from stagnation with effective words.   "It's polyglot."  "Is the popcorn time three minutes?" They are what I love in Tokai Toastmasters. M.R.

2019.7.13 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings



It was TM. N who showed her real leadership on July 13. TM. N, the TMOE (Toastmaster of the evening), made the most of the time when there was no prepared speech at the meeting.
It was named "Small Table Topic Session" it was a new style of impromptu speech that everyone dislikes.Table Topic Session is something that many speakers have trouble with, and it takes one to two and a half minutes for the person assigned by the Table Topic Master to speak along a theme. It is usually evaluated by Table Topic Evaluator after Table Topic Session, voted, and held a review meeting in bed after returning home. TM. N suggested the following:*She allowed people to choose easily approachable stories such as "Your impressive story" and "The story of your first love", etc.* It takes one to two and a half minutes.
*No evaluation, no votes. So many of members raised their hands and spoke in front of them with this revolutionary proposal. Her achievements can also be expressed by numbers. 13 speakers were born that day. It was a historic day when I learned that TM. N is not only attractive and beautiful, but also has exceptional leadership skills. Nagoya and Nagoya castle, Sakae and SKE48, Toyota and car. It’s hard to think of one without the other. Here’s a link in the landscape. Henceforth, when you hear “Nadia park 6th floor”, the home of Tokai Toastmasters, think of high motivation people. M.Y.

2019.6.22 英語例会/ English regular meeting

The last meeting of TMC’s annual. We had a great time owing to all the role takers of this evening. In the 1st session TTM.K asked the TT speakers to choose one among the words “when, where, who, what, why, how”. The first speaker of TT chose “what.” TTM.K  made the theme using “what” impromptu.  “What ~ ” The second speaker of TT chose “why”. The third speaker of TT chose “when.” TTM.K tried his original style of TTS. I thought it successful.

Secondly The first speaker of PS was TM.T who spoke about the importance of “Difference”. He spoke about his one year work abroad in San Diego. His colleagues were Spanish, Chinese, English ~. English they use were different but understandable. Food they usually eat were different. Sometime his wife said, “Wow, how delicious Mexican food is.” His 3 year old son who hardly spoke Japanese lived pleasantly there. Difference makes their lives colorful. The second speaker of PS was TM.Y. He said, “My current activity is to improve my language and leadership”. He was influenced by Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs words was also in his mind. It’s connecting something ~ . He told the episode abroad Thailand, China, Taiwan. He showed photos in which he was a center among many Chinese.

He was asked, “Why were you a center among them? ”. He answered, “I organized the meeting”. Wow, togather that many people! His leadership is great! The third speaker of PS was TM.N. She asked, “What’s your favorite city in the world?  Paris ~  ?  I’d like to introduce my favorite city Nagoya”. She has a friend who lived in Ishikawa prefecture. She visited her so she took her various places in Nagoya. She said Nagoya is center of Japan so that the traffic situation is convenient. Transportation is good as well, JR, KINTETSU, MEITETSU, SUBWAY~ . Nagoya is museum paradise, Tokugawaen, Toyota automobile museum, Nagoya science museum and Nagoya Castle. Nagoya is hidden pleasure. We Nagoyan will agree with her. The fourth speaker of PS was TM.T. She talked about her grandfather. She spoke her dear memory with her grandfather. Their journey abroad and talking about other countries. His taking her picture or having ice cream together. She said, “I want to be like my grandparents to stay young, open minded ”. At last the new 7 officers succeeded the roles of the present officers with applause. Many thanks to the 14 officers!

2019.6.8 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings


The English session started with TMOE S’s calm and speedy remarks, which made us collect our concentration after Japanese one.  This excitement continued to the Table Topic Session controlled by TM H, who was filled with brand-new ideas.  This time, she quoted some historic figures’ or celebrities’ words to explain her topics.  They were brief but clear to realize her focus.  Best speaker was TM T., who talked about her newly-learned skill, time management.  The phrase, her subordinate could can judge her, made us laugh.
  Then, we enjoyed two prepared speeches.  TM K. made his ice-breaker speech, “Happiness is everywhere.”  His passion attracted the audience.  He added an impromptu change as he was nervous, he said.  I hope he would soon fascinate us with another story.  On the contrary, TM M told us about the word which moved her, “Forgiveness is much stronger than hatred.”  Her confident posture and clear utterance persuaded us into believing in the power of speech
Listening to fellow toastmasters often inspired me to write another speech. This meeting, too, will make some part of my next speech. M.R.

2019.5.25 東海TMC 20周年記念例会/Tokai TMC 20th Anniversary Coming-of-age Ceremony

今日は待ちに待った東海クラブの20周年記念イベント。猿カフェ栄店を貸し切ってのパーティーでした。アイスブレイクとしてジェスチャーゲームから開始。司会はTM YとTM A。しょっぱなからテンションMax。色々なメンバーのスイカ割りやトランプ大統領などの多彩なジェスチャーを脳みそフル回転で楽しみました。来賓挨拶はディビジョンFディレクターのTM K。明るいキャラクターとプロの喋りでパーティーが華やぎます。“J! J! J! J!”と大盛り上がり。次に会長TM Hからの感謝とお祝いの挨拶、乾杯でパーティーがスタートしました。まずは猿カフェの食事やTM Kの差し入れのバナナチップスを堪能しつつ色々な方と話をして楽しく過ごしました。ワークショップはTM Yによる「コンテストスピーチの楽しさ」。数々の実績と信頼に裏付けられた説得力のあるワークショップでした。“Let's enjoy your contest speech!"で締めくくられたワークショップに拍手喝采。“メッセージは一つ”は是非守りたい。

次はテーブルトピックセッション。TM N登場で“かわいいー”の大合唱。テーマはトーストマスターズ縛り。皆さんの熱い思いが聞けました。お楽しみセッションは全参加者へのインタビュー。司会のTM YとTM Aによるコミュ力Maxの進行で根掘り葉掘り、皆さんがどんなことをしている方か知ることができました。本当に色々なバックグラウンドのメンバーが集まっているんだなと感心。次のTM Hによるリラックスセッションでは巨大なバースデーケーキとロウソクを見ながらの“Hygge”タイム。幻想的な雰囲気と語り口調に癒されました。バースデーケーキもおいしかったー。謝辞ではクラブオフィサーへの花束贈呈やTM Aによる会長TM Hへの賛辞、最後は会長の一本締めでパーティー終了。いっぱい笑っていっぱい学んだ大満足のパーティーでした。幹事のTM Sを始めパーティーを成功に導いてくれた全メンバーに感謝。また、栄クラブから参加してくださったゲストのTM K, TM O, TM K、東海クラブOGのTM Tにも感謝です!!! N.T.

2019.5.11 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings

注)本レポートでは私ことレポーターK.Mの歳は架空です。日本語例会開始、会長挨拶の中、「もう令和初という響きは聞き飽きたことでしょう。」 衝撃が走った。そんなことない!だって私は平成生まれ。改元は新鮮なの!即興スピーチセッションでは、マスターTM Yからの世代を感じさせる質問は新鮮でたまらなかった。一問目 「平成で最も印象に残ったこと」TM Tの東日本大震災、風化させてはいけないと改めて思った。二問目 「昭和と聞いて最も明るい時代は」TM M.YはピンクレディのUFO。なんと解散ライブチケットをご両親が入手してくれたそうで、激レア!超すごい~って私にはよく分からないけど。三問目 マスターが大正デモクラシーと言うと、急に私はうつむき加減になった。あまりにもお題が難しい、当てないで!質問は「現在の18歳の選挙権は日本にとってよいか」会長TM Hが見事に当たったので、ホッ。最悪の質問を、最高にまとめあげ賞を獲得。さすがです!四問目「明治時代の偉人は」TM T.Y曰はく坂本竜馬。たしかにその人気は今も衰えず。五問目「将来日本人の寿命はいくら位伸びるか」医学部大学院 Ms.Hによると、意思があるという定義に当てはめたならば90~100歳、貴重な医学の最先端の話に感銘した。準備スピーチでは、TM K タイトル「一歩引いてみる」彼は誰よりもスピーチの進捗が早くてすばらしく、要点を抜き出して、構成を練ったスピーチだった。途中ジョークを口にして、昭和のパチンコ台、「チューリップに玉が入る」と言っていたので、何とも古きよき時代を感じてしまった。でも私には分からないが。令和初の例会は、ワードマスターTM M.Yが選んだ、まさに「ときめく」ものとなった。ジェネレーションギャップを感じながらも、改元を楽しみ日本語を重んじる例会となった。  K.M.

Our first English meeting in new era, Reiwa, was very successful with an interesting table topic speech session. Our table topic master TM T let us pick up each folded paper from the left and right side to make a speech. Papers from the left side had colours written on them, and the right side had topics related to life events. TM M, who was the winner of the tonight's session, picked the colour "rainbow", and the topic was "now".  She delivered her speech regarding the LGBT movement, and she gave us an effective powerful message with her own opinion.  In the prepared speech session, we had TM Y, who just started her 1st speech project ,"Ice Breaker".  In the speech, she introduced us to herself and shared her big life moments, including her jobs, marriage, and having a family. In her own unique and humorous way, her speech gave us a strong message that presentation skills can play a big role at any time in your life. As her speech title "Challenge!", her challenging mindset brought her here to Tokai Toast Masters a few months ago. We are very excited and cannot wait to see what her future holds!! H.W.

2019.4.27 英語例会/ English regular meeting

The last meeting of “Heisei” period was held at the beginning day of the 10 days holiday. 3 guests joined. Today’s word was “be reluctant to” and “be willing to”.
At the table topic session, TM O gave us 5 interesting topics, “What will you do during this golden week?”, ”What are you most interested in Tokyo Olympics?”, “Do you believe in the existence of UFO?”, “What are you doing ten years later?”, ”If you work at the international organization, what do you want to do for the world?” Every speaker made good speech with each character. TM Y got the best speaker.

Today’s prepared speech was only one speaker, but very fruitful time.
TM H’s speech was about “Hygge”. Hygge is a danish word to describe a mood of coziness or comfort. It also includes the life-style to enjoy the feeling of atmosphere or experience at the moment. She delivered the speech calmly with good pronunciation and finished her speech with this impressive message “So why don’t you try to look for little happiness today, you can find it everywhere!
Let’s keep enjoying toastmaster’s activity together with new era “Reiwa”. Y.K.

2019.4.13 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings

平成最後の日本語例会の総合司会はTさん。聴衆のマナー(inter active)の大切さについて教えていただきスタート。スピーチ以外のことも学べるのが、トーストマスターズの良さ。

We had no guest unusually and today’s meeting was proceeded in a very friendly atmosphere. Table topic master was TM.Y who just joined our club and have full of energy. The theme of table topic session is “sleep”. The theme suit this season because we get sleepy by warm weather and questions were “What is your routine before going to bed?”, “What is your countermeasure when you can’t sleep?” and “What is your impressive dream?”. Two speakers delivered their speech in prepared speech session. The first speaker was TM.M and today’s Icebreaker speech was his first challenge. He shared with us his various experiences about English learning. His precious experiences abroad and his message that let’s change impossible to possible impressed all of us. The second speaker is TM.Y. He modified his last speech referring members’ feedback and made a second challenge. His massage is “Power of word”. The contents is that we obtain power by speak positive word and that was more enhanced than the last one. M.H.

2019.3.23 英語例会/ English regular meeting

To begin with, our president TM H said a few words. This is the time of the year when we meet new friends and bid farewell to our mates because it is the spring season. After the meeting, there was a farewell party for TM T who will leave the Toastmasters Club on March 23. At the first Table topics session, Master TM M asked three questions that were related to spring. However, the speakers spoke of hilarious and embarrassing funny stories instead romantic tales. In the Prepared speech session, five speakers made an incredible story.The first speaker was TM Y. His heartwarming speech was inspired by his mentor who is a member of TMC in Tokyo. The second speaker, TM T gave fashion advices regarding the choice clothes that is suitable for their skin tone. She used the concept of Personal Color Magic.

The third speaker, TM T gave a farewell speech through her anecdote. I was quite impressed with her surprising experiences she has gained thus far. The other speakers, TM Y and TM G practiced their speech delivery for Division Contest that would be held on April 6. I also felt nervous for them because the air was charged with tension. Today’s spring meeting was successfully adjourned .

Toast masters of the evening (TMOE) TM M, .Word master TM Y, and Table topics speaker TM Y did well on their first role! TM T I am longing for you to succeed in the new challenge! TM Y and TM G good luck on the Contest! Let your own flowers bloom this spring! K.M.

2019.2.23 英語例会/ English regular meeting

“I'm not feeling well”“My child suddenly had a disease”“I'm going to be late about 15 minutes.” The unexpected situation happened at today's meeting of Tokai Toastmasters club. Toastmaster of the evening, TM T, asked the other members to take new roles. Thanks to TM M, TM N, and TM T, who was willing to take new roles, the meeting started at 18 o'clock as planned with three guests. Today's Word of the Day was interesting "NG word: Good", thus we need to use the other words instead of "good",

Today's TTM session's theme was spring and golden week. We are looking forward to the coming season. Thank you for your attractive questions, TM S! In the prepared session, TM K introduced the rakugo by using Japanese towel and fan. We enjoyed the "simple and creative" culture. TM G, TM Y, and TM S made the sophisticated speech as practice for the area contest (see: previous report of in-house contest by TM Y: 2019.2.9). Almost all members enthusiastically gave comments to these speeches in the popcorn time. Today's meeting was run with cooperation and volunteer of members. H.N.

2019.2.9 日英インハウスコンテスト(クラブ内予選)/Jap.& Eng. In-house contest


続いて英語のスピーチコンテストについて。英語のコンテストは日本語のコンテスト後でしたので、会場は充分に温まっておりました。まずSさんの「生きているって素晴らしい!」のスピーチ。いつも見せる涼しげな表情のSさんから湧き出る、「生きること」に対する熱く強いメッセージに心打たれました。次はSさん(前述のSさんとは別人物)のビートルズの曲に載せたスタート。Sさんは「love」と「laugh」を掛け、笑いがふんだんに込められたお話でした。3番目のGさんは普段、ニコニコで笑顔の印象的な方でしたが、「baby steps」というタイトルで以前、思うように就職活動がうまくいかなかった話を熱く語り、こちらも以前なかなか仕事が決まらなかったことを思い出し、心打たれました。Aさんは子育ての中で子供から学ぶいろいろな話でした。私も子育てをしているのでウンウン、と大きくうなずき、最後Eさんも母になって強くなった!というスピーチをセーラームーンとかけたスピーチでした。

2019.1.26 英語例会/ English regular meeting

The English meeting was held on January 26.
Today’s Toast Master of the Evening (TMODE) was Mr. I. It was his debut as TMOE and he successfully made it! I would like to send special thanks to TM S, kindly made the meeting agenda for us. The organization of the meeting was Table Topic session and Prepared Speech session. Table Topic Master, TM M, asked three unique questions with her big smile to TM K, TM S, and TM N. TM N got the best Table Topic award with her original view points and beautiful English. Congrats, TM N!

At the Prepared speech session, TM A made 60-miniutes workshop on “How to conduct productive meetings”. We have meetings quite often at work site; but I personally never think thoroughly what meeting is. Therefore, the WS was very educational and full of information on meetings. We also had group work at the WS, which was quite effective to apply the method what we just have learned at WS into nearly real life situation. Overall, the WS was informative to everybody and I appreciate the effort and time that TM A made for us. Thank you, TM A! C.A.

2019.1.12 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings

続いて、準備スピーチセッション。本日の準備スピーチは1名。Kさん。スピーチのお題は「リーダーシップ」。トーストマスターズのWeb siteにある自分のリーダーシップスタイルを分類した結果をもとに説明。非常に興味深い話でした。このスピーチの論評者はSさん。改善点も的確に伝えており、スピーカーにとっても、オーディエンスにとっても有意義な時間になったと思います。


The English meeting on 12th January was different from the usual ones! Because there were no speaker in Prepared Speech session. So it was Table Topic Festival!!
The first half of the meeting was the usual table topic session. TTM brought 4 topics: what did you do at the moment of the end of last year, what was the most memorable event last year, how do you think you can make nice new year cards, and what is your new year's goal.
The latter half of the meeting was Special Table Topic session. Eight speakers including the brave guest made it! Speakers asked the new questions to the next speakers after their short speeches. We really enjoyed a wide variety of themes such as food, love, how to lose weight etc.
We surely made a good start in 2019!! Y.S.


2018年春 日本語スピーチコンテスト Yさん出場!

2017年秋 ほら話コンテスト Yさん3位!

2016年秋 英語テーブルトピックスコンテスト Aさん2位!

2015年秋 日本語論評コンテスト Yさん出場!

2012年秋 日本語テーブルトピックスコンテスト Yさん3位!

2012年春 日本語スピーチコンテスト Yさん2位!

2011年春 国際スピーチコンテスト Tさん 1位!