例会記録/Past Meetings


2018.12.22 クリスマス例会/Christmas meeting

昨年に続き、栄・東海クラブによる合同クリスマス例会が行われました。会は、普段は接する機会のない人通しが交流できる合同例会にふさわしいテーブルトピックセッションからスタートしました。東海クラブTM Yさん、栄クラブTM Hさんのそれぞれ日本語、英語のテーブルトピックセッションは、クリスマスらしい、楽しい話題を提供するだけでなく、人のつながりを促してくれるようなセッションだったと感じました。
その後に続くゲームセッションでは、TM Tさん、TM Oさん、TM Eさんが企画してくれたChristmas, Christmas, what do you know?、歌いましょう、Line Dance等のコミュニケーションやプレゼンテーションにもつながるゲームで会場が盛り上がりました。

Joint Christmas party of Tokai and Sakae club was held on December 22nd. The party started with the table topic session chaired by two table topic masters from Tokai and Sakae club. This session provided us very funny and interesting topics related to Christmas and made all attendants excited. At the same time, in this special event, topic masters and presenters in this session did very good performance for promoting communication!
In the game session, three games named “Christmas, Christmas, what do you know?”, “Let’s sing”, and “Line Dance” were introduced by TM T, TM O, and TM E. These games were a lot of fun and the attendants got really excited.
Potluck, gift exchange session and “Cat and Chocolate session” hosted by Sakae Club followed the game session.
I attended this Toastmasters Club’s Christmas party for the first time and it was a kind of “mystery tour” for me. But the party was a lot of fun and it gave me a good stimulation for improving communication and presentation skills! T.M.

2018.12.8 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings


“Unite”, “Participation”, “Warm” and “Friendship” might be the terms that best represent today’s meeting. TM T, TMOE, kicked off the meeting with a 10 second self-introduction by all attendees, including four visitors, in a round-table format, which made the room warm up though the wind was cold outside. In the table topic session, TM K, table topic master, threw questions regarding experience and practices of winter season. TM A connected the Kotatsu story with her family and TM GL, a visitor from NUSS TMC, discussed warm soup experience by contrasting Japan and Singapore. They both received most votes to be the best table topic speakers. Today’s word was “Vocation” not “Vacation” that was share by TM I. In the prepared speech session, three speakers made remarkable speeches. TM N encouraged people to listen to their inner voice especially when having difficulties. TM S emphasized the importance of having conversation among people based on her experience of learning a few Asian languages. TM M reemphasized the benefit of taking the TMOE role for new members to quickly learn the meeting roles. Lastly, TM M made a farewell speech by appreciating the experience and friendship that he had received as a member of Tokai Club over the past five years. After the group photo, TM President adjourned the meeting. FM

2018.11.24 英語例会/ English regular meeting

Everyone would be busier before December. Although, the attendees of this meeting were less than usual it was an informative and fruitful meeting.
Timer of TM K it was her first time to be assigned to this role. However, she perfectly accomplished her role. Word master of TM M gave us excellent sample sentences using a particular word which enhances our ability and sentence construction.
In the prepared speech session we had two speakers. The audience was overwhelmed by very enlightening speeches. The title of the speech delivered by TM S was “I trust you!” She had experienced to be trusted by others before she trusted anyone else while studying in Canada. Because of her experience in there she can trust anyone who deserves it from her side.

The title of the speech delivered by TM T was ”Let’s just do it!-How to work efficiently’ The visual and integrated speech persuaded the audience to avoid procrastinating at work. Indeed efficiency in our work will be applicable our lives.
On the other hand, I have an announcement. Our Christmas party will be held on December 22, at 6:00 pm in Nadia Park 6F. You may bring guests. We will exchange gifts the budget is around 500yen.

2018.11.10 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings


TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day) of the meeting was TM A. He is well-experienced TM, and he performed TMOD in very confident manner. The number of attendee was 19 people. Word Master TM T showed us "intense" as today's word. The word "intense" is useful and important. Table Topics Master TM S used five topics. Five topics were miscellaneous. Five TM's table topics speeches were unique and interesting. One of the speakers was me TM S. In Prepared Speech Session, two speakers TM H and TM M performed their well prepared speech. TM H has already started her PATHWAYS. (PATHWAYS is a new program of Toastmasters from this year.) TM M is still in traditional program Advanced Communication Series Manuals. I am also in traditional program. I wonder when I can start PATHWAYS. M.S.

2018.10.27 日英エリア62ユーモア選手権/Area 62 Humourous Speech Championship


2018.10.13 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings



Beautifully handled by the well experienced toast master, TM “S” as TMOE, the meeting on Oct-13th was great success. The keyword presented by Word master, TM “N”, was “to be conscious of”. One of the examples he introduced was “She was not conscious of being laughed at.” This kind of memorable sentence always helps the members understand the meaning and remember to use it during the meeting. Table Topic was very unique, challenging but extremely fun! The theme was “Planning for long vacation”. The way TM “E” handled the session was very unique. Preparing 2 files, she asked us to take 1 sheet each from them. One file has the budgets while the other has the transportations. Some member made a speech about how to spend the vacation with a fire balloon as transportation and 100RMB(1,650 yen) as budget while another did it with a plane and 100,000 Euro(12,900,000 yen). As for Prepared Speech session, since both two speakers are the contestants of Humorous Speech Tournament, only popcorn time was arranged for them instead. It is always great to see the scene where the speakers sincerely listen to the advice and try to improve their speeches while all the other members willingly give their straightforward opinions with great caring attitude. I believe this is what Toast Master’s activity is all about. T.G.

2018.9.22 東海トーストマスターズクラブユーモア選手権/ Tokai TMC Humourous Speech Championship


Today’s meeting was in-house contest for Area 62 humorous speech championship and all contestants delivered very high level and hot, humorous speech. Japanese session started with Mr. Y’s powerful speech titled “Rule of love without a code” which featured the episode about one of his unique ex-senior workers and made everyone laugh. Ms. S made speech from her memory on summer camp with children and delivered funny and still warm speech. In English session, Ms. T brought her valuable experience in exotic world and Mr. T delivered speech about his “sweet and blind” love episode in humorous and powerful way and pumped up the event. All speech were wonderful and I was really impressed. And today, English Rakugo performer Mr. K attended this meeting as special and “appropriate”  guest for humorous speech championship. I was very surprised and thrilled to see him in the meeting because I had an opportunity to enjoy his English Ralugo for the first time just last month! I enjoyed his English Rakugo very much then. Not only delivering excellent table top speech and winning the best table speech award, he gave wonderful comments in the award session and cheered up all members there. Members selected in today’s in-house champion ship will attend area contest which is held next month. Good luck! T.M.

2018.9.8日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings

本日の会場はいつもの6階ではなく8階でした。会長の台風にふれたあいさつ、オールバックにした総合司会の「髪は後ろ向きですが、前向きにやります」の言葉で開始されました。次に「台風も猛烈ですが、本日のキーワードは『猛烈』です」とワードマスター。続く即興スピーチマスターの「今日のテーマは『愛の対談』皆はインタビューアーです」と興味をそそります。指名された対談相手は北条政子、本田圭佑、小学生の自分、錦織圭の4人でした。準備スピーチセッションは、TM  Aさん TM  AさんのダブルA さんです。最初のAさんのスピーチでは順風満帆の甘い人生にちょっぴり辛い味つけをしたもので、私たち聴衆に考えさせる内容でした。次のAさんは温厚な人柄のなかにも思いもよらない情熱家であることを知らしめるものでした。論評セッションも聞き応えのある準備スピーチにそれぞれ応じるものになりました。人それぞれに感動の内容もそれぞれですが、筆者にとってはとくに感動の多い日でした。S.O.



In the Prepared Speech Session there were four speeches. 1st speech, TM.S, the speech title was 「Just live well, just live」. It was the word that the hero utter at the end of the movie "Me before You".(世界一キライなあなたに)The composition of the speech was very good, we felt we saw a movie by a few minutes' speech. 2nd, TM.E, the title was 「Parenting lessons given by Peppa Pig」. She tried expressing three people (animals) by using a stuffed doll of Peppa Pig, hair band, glasses etc, and changing her voice quality and volume. And it was a perfectly success. It was a warm speech we felt a deep love for child. 3rd, TM.K, the title was 「Trail "Cross Fit"」. It was a speech with an easy-to-understand introduction on what to do to make a healthy body. Using slides, express the importance of the exercise in a pyramidal arrangement. It was devised to visually understand our understanding. 4th, TM.M, the title was 「Why English? Why Toastmasters ?」. When he was a student, he didn't like English, but now there is superiority to be able to speak English. The speeh composition of "begining", "body", "conclusion" was very good. So, Let's enjoy English conversation with Toastmasters! Y.I.

2018.8.25 英語例会/ English regular meeting

In the last summer heat, Tokai Toastmasters Club members have the eagerness to improve their speaking skill.
First of all, I think that tonight speakers already have well-trained speech performance, especially in the prepared speech, elected as the best speaker A-san presented the public apologizing speech for the press. Also, the evaluation session; one of the most important sessions, another A-san did the feedback as good points regarding speaker’s suitable voice expression and logical structure of the speech, on the other hand, as an improvement, concerning to suitable facial expression with apologizing speech. In this way, the speaker can receive the feedback from the evaluator and I suppose that the evaluator also can learn from others and

feedback to his/herself with finding the speaker’s good points and improvements.

The second, T-san held the special event to share the tip and improve our English speech, the title is "My tips for English speech”. It was shown as for example to confirm the speech grammar that information technology is recently well developed and the software of checking speech grammar is easy to use. Also, several persons present the tips of reading good books or website described in English.
Finally, the guest comment was very much to the point. it is “Practice”. Fortunately, Tokai Toastmasters Club has many chances to practice the communication skill; to deliver the speech with giving feedback and training how to do suitable feedback. H.K.

2018.8.11 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings


Kさんに対して、10年目になるSさんの貫録円熟味が対照的でした。会長Hさんのスピーチは「Pathwaysの進め方」。皆さん ここ大事!TMCで最もホットな話題Pathways、チェックする価値ありの例会でした。K.M.

Hot, hot summer! Tokai club’s meeting was held in Nagoya, one of the hottest area in Japan. In the table topic session, E-san gave us topics regarding Olympic. Y-san got the best speaker by introducing the best places where we would like to invite foreigners in Tokyo. In prepared speech, M-san shared his experiences making a good communication with his daughter through cooking. We totally understood that his daughter will be a good Toastmaster with perfect evaluation skills! A.I.

2018.7.14 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings

暑い日が続いていますね!今日の即興スピーチのテーマもズバリ「夏」でした。エアコン・バーベキュー・早朝出勤、とスピーカーのみなさんの夏の過ごし方やキーワードを聞いていて、自分もどんな風に過ごそうかとこれからの季節に期待が高まる時間になりました。そして今日の準備スピーチは、YさんとMさん2名のスピーチでした。Yさんは自分の名前と過去の体験をテーマにした、Yさんにしかできない独自性溢れるスピーチ!プロジェクターの使い方が非常に効果的だったことと、Yさんからのメッセージが印象に残りました。Mさんは新しいPathwaysのプロジェクトに挑戦され、こちらもタイトルやビジュアルでオーディエンスを引きつける素晴らしいスピーチでした。Ice Breaker(自己紹介)のプロジェクトでしたので、Mさんの人柄やトーストマスターズへの思いが伝わってくるあたたかいスピーチだったことが印象に残っています。お二人のスピーチに触発されて、ポップコーンタイム(コメントタイム)もたくさんのコメントが飛び交って、活発な例会となりました。C.K.

The meeting was held on the 9th floor in the building, and full-packed thanks to many attendees. The table topic part was exciting because speakers had to make impromptu speech to promote the specific object (EX. Dial-pink-pay-phone! How do you explain and appeal this for increase business profit?) Three speakers had done funny and persuasive speech on the spot, so all members and guests applauded to their efforts. In addition, two prepared speakers delivered enthusiastic and informative speech, and evaluators gave them proper feedback later. This process was very systematic to improve not only speech skills but also scaffolding skills. Fortunately, Tokai Toast Masters club is thriving by getting lots of attention from this homepage viewers and always welcome you to visit us! Our passion in this club is as hot as the weather in Tokai area. Next meeting on July 28th will be super special one! Hope to see many members and guests on the meeting! Y.T.

2018.6.23 英語例会/ English regular meeting

It was the first time to serve as TMOE(Master of meeting) for Mr.Y. His work was wonderful!!In the table topics(impromptu speech) session, Mr.S gave us questions about the information technology. For example, curation website, IoT, deep learning, etc. Some questions were tough, but they were up to date and stimulating. Two speeches were given in prepared speech session,. Ms. M introduced her pastime that she reads in the garden that's full of moss.  She described the characteristics photogenically and how to grow it.

We deepened our understanding of moss and her interest. It was a scientifically intuitive speech. 

Ms.A presented a conversational speech with Mr.G. She demonstrated as a member of a board of education(Ms.A) giving her feedback to a teacher(Mr.G). Her calm attitude and concrete advice were amazing! The popcorn time(comment time) and evaluation session were productive with many questions and positive comments.  Term changing ceremonies peacefully closed the term (Jul.2017-Jun.2018) and lively introduced the new officers' team.                      C.K. & K.M.

2018.6.9 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings

1分の即興スピーチは、誰でも手に汗握るものだと思います。会長曰く、「汗をかいた場数と人の成長は比例」するように、ここには挑戦し、緊張する場があります。はたまた、事前にスピーチ内容を考えてくる準備スピーチセッションでは、度肝を抜く掴みで聞き手の心を鷲掴みにした新メンバーKさんに驚き、熟練者アーカウンターのIさんが、アー(無意味な発声)をカウントするのを忘れるほどでした!Aさんは、 トーストマスターズの架空役員を任命するというグループワーク提供を通じ、 リーダーとしてメンバーのモチベーションアップ法を考える体験をさせてくれました。このワークショップで、相手の強みを理解しつつ自尊心を保つことを学べました。

Mr. O introduced 5 various table topics by singing related songs. The songs relieved our tension. All speeches were based on unique perspectives and personal experiences. It is fun, because you can know the humanity of the other members by listening to stories of individuals. 3 prepared speeches made me realize how I can improve my speech presentation. For example, delivery, voice 

 inflection, and speech compositions. Especially, Mr. Y's speech taught me the importance of facial expressions by his speech with a smile, which made the room atmosphere much brighter.               S.Y.

2018.5.26 英語例会 / English regular meeting

Unusually, we didn't have any guests, though the attendees were about 20(a lot!). The theme of table topics session was "memories". Memories of the best vacation, Christmas, birthday, friend and family.There were 5 speakers with fabulous impromptu speeches. Some were really touching... We had 4 prepared speeches in total, including a 15-minute presentation, whose theme was " To keep the club climate good". This presentation is timely for us, since we have been gaining lots of new members lately. Tonight's long English meeting was rich in content.                      


先日の春季大会にコンテスタントとして出場したYさんから、お礼のスピーチを頂きました。彼は一貫して、支えてくれたメンバーへの感謝の気持ちを言葉にしていました。皆が論評してくれたことによって、自分のスピーチが格段にレベルが上がった、そして皆さんの論評力も上がったのではないか、と仰っていました 。                 N.S.                                                         

2018.5.12 日英例会/ Jap.& Eng. regular meetings


We start Toastmasters, because we all have a sense of inferiority with  English or public speaking. Even our president who is one of the most skilled speakers used to have fear and stress. Everyone starts as a beginner, and by putting effort into improving ourselves, we will be able to overcome our shortcomings.  Fortunately, our president's Toastmaster history encouraged one of the visitors and actually pushed her to want to become a member of our club!  Thank you very much our president and welcome, Ms. H!                                                            Y.N.  

2018.4.28 英語例会/English regular meeting

Why we are so curious to know about Pathways program is because our club has Pathways guide.

Pathways guide visits many different clubs and teach how clubs can adapt to the new system of learning.    Change sounds scary sometimes, but nothing to be afraid. Today Ms. A performed like a TED speaker and instructed the development background with facts and figures, which   

made our Pathways guide want to employ her as assistant. The very first speech of Mr. Y "Forgetting myself" made in this Pathways program broke the ice. Not only pathways, paper-based legacy system"Competent communicator" manual is still active in our club. Each of four speakers in total had popcorn time, which speakers get reactions from the audience to improve their speech. ディビジョンF(中部、北陸、近畿)日本語代表として全国大会に進出する東海クラブメンバーにもポップコーン激励。連発された改善提案に加え、自ら変更したシナリオの確認も行われました。  


Today's word

--by Ms. E


Golden state= California

Golden marriage= 50th marriage anniversary 


Golden gate bridge- San Francisco, California
Golden gate bridge- San Francisco, California

2018.4.14 日英例会/Jap.& Eng. regular meetings



Competent communicator manual Project 5 objectives are to use stance, movement, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact to express your message to achieve  speech purpose. Ms. E's thoughtful preparation to portray her daily responsibility of rearing new born was successful in an entertaining manner!  

Pathways program allows you to  choose one path out of ten, depending on your developmental necessities. Our new member Ms. L strongly started off her ice breaking speech with full of assertiveness and friendliness. Congratulations! Look forward to her next one.

2018.3.24 英語例会+Division大会激励会+新教育プログラム説明会/Eng.Mtg.+Division contest rehearsal+ Pathways program Workshop

3 highlighted Hello's

 1.  New member's induction ceremony "This club is the best of all Japan, So lucky!"

by Mr.Y.  2. Table topics given by new member Mr.C ---c.f. "What do you recommend foreigners about Hanami(Enjoying Cherry blossom with)?"

3. The first prepared speech by new member Ms.K developed her point of view to learn about other countries in comparison with history of her own country!

When it comes to comparison another prepared speech was made fruitfully by Ms.N.

People's values change both really and virtually as time goes. What used to be abhorred are now becoming the hottest topics to revitalize individual's life. Message of her speech was "Accept new ideas!" -So sensational!! 


心からの皆さんの正直な感想が飛び交ったり、改善点を出しあったり、スピーチの中の1つ1つの言葉やジャスチャ―、立ち位置まで、スピーカーと聴衆の合点のいく落としどころについて、建設的な発言が自由にできる中で、聞いているだけで勉強になりました。(Area62 Directorより)

2018.2.24 英語例会/English regular meeting

The advanced speech "Stay with your 94 year old friend" was given by the one who directly applies her toastmaster experience to career that leads to success. "94 year old friend" means this very club "toastmasters,"which was established in 1924. Creating meeting agenda, rehearse and prepare to welcome guests, controlling the time frame are necessary skills when hosting events.  In our club we always take turns and help each other exercising those skills.

Top two winners of each Eng. and Jap. in-house contest
Top two winners of each Eng. and Jap. in-house contest


2018.2.10 日英インハウスコンテスト(クラブ内予選)/Jap.& Eng. In-house contest

Interview after speeches
Interview after speeches

"Each time it's a life exchanging experience, "said one of the guests today, who decided to join the club immediately after this contest. One of the contestants, Mr.O responded in the interview session shared that his 15 years of Toastmasters experience directly contributed his career and what he is now.


In-house contest winners
In-house contest winners


2018.1.27 英語例会/ English regular meeting

     "Robust group of time managers" is one way of describing Tokai club. This is why it's so exciting that members bring their teen-aged daughters or sons. Our club-original new routine "Popcorn time," produced by our vice president of education encourages audience to share advices to the speakers, who just finished their prepared speeches. Many positive comments and suggestions are raised within 5min. of time constrain. 


= sturdy, hardy, vigorous, tough, lusty, powerful, 

strapping,  sound, strong

  Three prepared speeches motivated us to maintain better habits by topics such as caution for water pollution, oral hygiene or hot water diet. Curious audience gave many helpful comments in "Popcorn time", which also lead evaluation speeches to be given rigorously. Another speech emphasized mentees should actively ask questions to make use of the mentorship. Mentor-mentee ceremony in the end was conducted for both graduating and inaugurating pairs. 

2018.1.13 日英例会/Jap. & Eng. regular meetings


   TMOE Mr.M's thoughtful arrangements of all the role assignments leveraged 16 members' full presence. Today's word chosen was to "thrive."  Ms. T, general evaluator's implementation of theme "Trauma to triumph" nicely matched the keyword. After all three prepared speakers thrived, out of the year-end break, grammarian and Ah-counter also showed their rigorous works. Mr. S, grammarian introduced alliteration,  relating to "Trauma to Triumph," Nature-Nurture/ Aspire-Inspire...even correspondence of his nick name and his family name. And thanks for the meticulous counting of filler words Ms. K. It was amazing you counted 16 of them said by TMOE!    LOL